Sports Players

Sports Players

Sports Team Players are managed from this module.

You can create and manage your team players in Flow by selecting the Scores > Players tab.

Add New Player

1. Select the desired Content Group from the list to add to that group. Content Groups are created and managed in the System Tools > Content Groups module.
2. Select the desired League and Team from the drop-down lists.
3. Click the Add New button.

4. Enter the player's information in the edit form. Note that the only required information is the player's Last Name.

Note: When selecting player art, Click Select Art to access the Media Management module's Selection dialog and access available media. Media is centrally stored and accessed using the Content ControlMedia Management Module.

5. Click the Add Now button to save the player's information.

Manage Players

You can manage existing team players available at any time as follows.

Edit Player
  1. Click Edit to modify the player's information.  
  2. Modify the player's information as needed.
  3. Click Save Now.  
Remove Player

Removing a player record is a permanent action that cannot be undone.

Click on the  icon to remove the player. Click OK to confirm.
Show/Hide Player Art

When player art is available, you can show or hide the images in the Flow interface.


Note: Showing player art can affect system performance.

Filter Players

You can filter the list of existing players by:

  • Last Name
  • First Name
  • Position
  • Birth Place
  • Data Source - when the source of a player's information is a data feed, you can also filter by the short name of the data feed.

You can clear the filters by either erasing the contents of the individual filter text boxes or by clearing all filter content by clicking on 

Enable or Disable Players for Broadcast

  player record is enabled for broadcast to display on-air. Click to disable the player record and prevent it from going to broadcast.

  player record is disabled. Click to enable the player record and allow it to go to broadcast.

Click Show All to enable all existing players in the list. These players will go to broadcast.

Click Hide All to disable all existing players in the list. These players will not go to broadcast.

Refresh Players List

Click Refresh at any time to update the list of players. 

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