Elector Home
BL Elector is a robust election content displaying solution, coupled with a web-based content management interface, that enables you to broadcast election results and information effortlessly and with a high level of automation.
Elector can seamlessly mix automated data from any source, such as Canada NewsWire, Reuters, or APNews, with manually entered content to provide a rich election experience for your viewers. By combining an automated data feed with content entered by your operators, you can ensure the majority of your content is error-free while still having control to highlight the races that are relevant to your viewership. Combine intelligent broadcast controls with the web-based BL Flow content management interface, and you have a powerful election solution that will get viewers tuning in to your broadcast. Through Flow, you create election content accessed either directly from the database or in an XML or JSON format through web and file formats.
- Elector User's Guide
- Elector Tech Notes
- Elector Release Notes
- Consortium Parser Release Notes
- Elector Rehearsal Tool Release Notes
- Elector Results Simulator Release Notes
- Flow for Provincial / Federal Elector Release Notes
- Interesting Agent Release Notes
- Player for Elector Release Notes
- XPression Player for Elector Release Notes
- Elector Player for Chameleon Release Notes
- Web Player for Elector Release Notes
- Consortium Reader for Elector Release Notes
- Elector Gears for XPression Release Notes
- Elector Gears for Web Release Notes
- Elector Headshots Importer Release Notes
- CP Reader for Elector Release Notes
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