TC Tennis WTA Reader
Fixes a bug due to parsing Json date strings as local time strings instead of their original Zulu format.
Fixes round information retroactively caused by transition between v1.0.0.7 to v1.0.0.8.
Adds 'TournamentId' tag to matches (scores).
Updated dlls from Nuget to remove vulnerabilities.
Modified Round type translation based on tournament draw sizes.
Prevents overwriting of the "Round" match tag value once a match has been created.
Added user customizable translations for Round types.
Exposed user customizable translations for Country codes as well.
Added ability to download updates from running the Check For Updates menu option.
Fixed bugs with doubles matches showing wrong 2nd player names in both teams (doesn't affect output which uses values in tags).
Fixed issue with missing players when creating new match records.
Added code to prevent re-processing of Schedules and Matches unless the read Schedules and Matches have a later LastUpdated values from the feed.
Moved track data files to a 'Data' sub-folder.
Added clean up code for old schedules and matches which is run once a day.
Fix a bug with Match code showing player lastnames instead of datafeed IDs.
Set Players' Singles & Doubles Ranks when reading from DB.
Fix a bug with loading previous Rankings file.
Removed usage of PlayerCareer info to fill in a player's first and last names.
Added usage of WTA league players and tournament players lists to pre-get all active players.
Fixed a bug with missing player tag for 'TournamentId'.
Added daily clean up check for old tournament player data if auto-delete is enabled.
Added daily clean up check for old json data files.
Fixed a bug with deleteYesterdaysMatches() not deleting any records.
Fixed a bug in getOrCreateTournamentPlayer() when attempting to get singles player.
Refactored to clean up some of the code.
Fixed a bug with reading Matches that caused DatafeedLastModified values to be null.
Fixed a bug that caused old Match tags to not be deleted.
Removed UI's for all URL's except the URL Base to avoid user confusion.
Reads a Player's Doubles ranking as well.
Fixed CheckForUpdate message.
Fixed a bug with missing the 'NumberOfSets' MatchInfo (Score) tag.
Reads the Rankings data to access Player data.
Saves Player data in an All Players league (WTA Players).
Adds Player Singles and Doubles Rank tags.
Initial Version