TC Tennis ATP Reader

TC Tennis ATP Reader

  • Fixed a bug with Round type translation using the Draw Sizes.

  • Fixed a bug with not getting the correct Round type translation using the Draw Sizes.

  • Fixed a bug with missing match (score) 'Round' tags.

  • Fixed a bug due that caused the match 'Source' tag go missing.

  • Updated dlls from Nuget to remove vulnerabilities.

  • Modified Round type translation based on tournament draw sizes.

  • Added match date offset info which can compensate for incorrect match dates.

  • Added workaround for bad Match result dates (that are in the future) but the Matches are already in progress or completed.

  • Prevents overwriting of the "Round" match tag value once a match has been created.

  • Added user customizable translations for Round types.

  • Exposed user customizable translations for Country codes as well.

  • Added ability to download updates from running the Check For Updates menu option.

  • Added tags for Set Winners.

  • Changed method for calculating number of match sets won per player/team.

  • Changed tags for TiebreakScores to TiebreakPts.

  • Added the TournamentInfo Code in log messages for Tournament related info.

  • Changed save folder for track data json files to be in a 'Data' subfolder.

  • Fixed issue with missing players when creating new match records.

  • Fixed a bug with Player2 names which caused duplication of Player1 names.

  • Added MatchInfo Source field & tags to track source from where a MatchInfo object is created.

  • Added clean-up background worker to clean up old Json files, log files, tournament players, schedule & result logs.

  • Reduced repeated debug log messages for Schedules & Tournament Results.

  • Added support for reading of tournament schedules.

  • Fixed issues caused by Match IDs not being unique in the feed across different tournaments.

  • Added 'Country' tags based on a lookup for the Country codes provided by the feed.

  • Fixed a bug with generating wrong values for TeamCodes in matches.

  • Added code to set the match end dates based on the game states ('Final') and the feed's 'MatchTime' values.

  • Removed extraneous URL textboxes but kept the ones for the API Key and the base URL values.

  • Changed sharing of a single MySqlCommand instance across multiple functions to sharing the MySqlConnection instead and have each function generate new commands as needed.

  • Modified delete functions to also look at expiry dates, match end dates & datafeed last modified dates to determine when a match is suitable for deletion.

  • Refactored some of the code to use common functions.

  • Added buttons for deleting of yesterdays', yesterday's completed and old matches, replacing the 'Delete Old' and 'Delete All' buttons.

  • Added Auto-Delete after X days feature.

  • Fixed a bug where duplicate player records are added.

  • Removes duplicate player records from the DB on app launch.

  • Fixed a bug where matches much older than specified by the older matches were read.

  • On creating matches and updating matches, player info (team) is saved to the respective tournament table (league) and player references are switched to use those db entries instead of the one holding all the players initially (ATP_Players league table). This allows the Scores in Flow to be editable.

  • Added 'Also read matches for Tournaments that are active in the past # days' to allow for reading of match data that may have been missed. Match results data is read from those active tournaments as well as those from the Live Matches feed.

  • Added logging options for Debug and Reading Match Stats messages.

  • Fixed a bug with Player info being always saved into the Global content group on app startup.

  • Fixed a bug with Serve and Server tags such that they now properly indicate which player is serving.

  • Fixed a bug with the Score record Names which lacked a space between the initial and the lastname.

  • Added GameState property to MatchInfo.

  • Changed so the MatchInfo GameState is saved to the Score GameState and MatchInfo CurrentSet is saved to Score Status fields.

  • Feed Status value in MatchInfo is now translated from the single character to descriptions.

  • Added Match EndReason as a dynamic tag for to Score record.

  • Made the Score record Team (T1, T2) tags more consistent so that they are now T1_xxx & T2_xxxx.

  • Added a Team record tag for 'FullName'.

  • Fixed bugs related to changing of Content Groups.

  • Added a 'Delete All' button to allow deletion of all tennis data from the reader in the DB.

  • Initial Version


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