Elections - Choices - Quick Edit

There is an Elections module that allows you to quickly and easily edit the basic details of candidates/choices in an election event. It includes editing the

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Incumbent

  • Notes

  • Headshot

  • Previous Votes (when applicable)

You can also easily filter and sort on most of those fields as well as party and contests.

How Do I Access It

In the main Elections module - after selecting an election event - click on the Quick Edit Choices button.

How Do I Edit Choices

Set Incumbent

The Incumbents can be identified by simply clicking on the Incumbent icon with each choice. Click the icon to change it.

Add or Change a Headshot

To add or change a headshot for a choice, click on the attachment/paper clip icon. That will open a media selection window where you can choose from an existing media item or upload a new one.

Edit Names and Notes of one Choice

To edit the names and notes associated with a single choice - simply click on their record. This will popup a editing form where you can make the changes. Click the Save button when your changes are complete.

Edit Names and Notes of Multiple Choices

To edit names of many candidates quickly you can use the Multi-Edit Mode where each choice displays it’s fields in editable form for easy editing. To activate this click the Multi-Edit Mode button in the header.

This button will then change into 2 buttons: Save All Changes and Cancel All Changes as seen below.

Hide Optional Fields - Notes or Previous Votes

The notes and previous votes fields can be removed from the display by simply unselecting them from the options dropdown in the header near the top-right:

Note that the previous votes option is only enabled if they are enabled for the selected election event.

Filtering Choices

To filter the choices you can use the options in the filter header:

Select options from the dropdown lists for

  • Incumbent

  • Elected

  • Headshot (is assigned - yes/no)

  • Party

or type search text in the relevant text box to filter/search by

  • Last name

  • First name

  • Area/Contest/Constituency/Riding

Sorting Choices

To sort the choice - click on the corresponding header title or icon:

A second click will reverse the sort and a third click will remove the sort.

Previous Vote Fields

The fields need to be enabled in the optional field list at the top-right of the choice grid as well as being enabled for the election event type.

When they are enabled - they can be displayed as seen below

It looks like this in a multi-edit mode form: