Custom Results Forms

Custom Results Forms

As of version, it is possible to use custom forms in the results module for the results details popup form. This allows us to create additional forms with flexibility in what data and how the data is presented.

Steps to Implement

There are steps that must be completed by a developer and a final one for a Flow user:


  1. Create a new user control form that will be added to the Flow installation.

    1. Add the control files to a subfolder of: Flow.Controls.Election.Custom

    2. Form names must start with the the text Credit. (custom results edit)

    3. Forms can be specific to offices by naming them with the office name as a suffix

      1. Example: TV2_Parti where Parti is the {office} name

  2. Register the form in Flow code: Flow.Controls.Election.Custom.CustomControlRegister

  3. Register the form in the Election Event select list: flow_electionEvent.aspx ListCustomForms

    1. Use the {office} text as a suffix in the option value to enable office specific form selection

      1. Example: TV2 {office}


Look at the code in the flow_electionResults.aspx. Look for ApplyCustomEditForm.


Flow User

  1. Select the desired control format from the list for each Election Event that it should apply to and save the changes to the Election Event.

  2. Test that the correct form is selected in the Results module.


A party custom form showing previous seats, votes and vote% fields.

Another less custom form

The default form today: