Import Election Choices

Import Election Choices

System Administrator users can import a list of choices from a file in CSV format. You need to use the correct field names for the import process to create new choices it finds in the file. Existing choices are not changed.

This import process creates a new choice for each First and Last Name values that doesn’t already exist.


As of version the import process will try to load the candidates into the selected Election Event by creating a temporary contest to assign all the imported choices to. This contest can be removed later without removing the actual choice records.

Creating Parties

You can either pre-create the required parties in the Elections Customize module or the import will attempt to create them for you using the short name from the file.

Field Names

Fields can be added in any order to the csv file but must use the defined names below.

Field values can be blank except where noted. Extra fields in the file will be ignored.

Field Name



Field Name



First Name

Cannot be blank.

This is the first name of the Candidate.

Last Name

Cannot be blank.

This is the last name of the Candidate.



This is the party’s abbreviation and should be already defined.
As of version it will auto-create any missing parties. You’ll want to Customize the party details afterward to provide colors etc.
See also the topic regarding Party in Elections | Elections Party(optional) .


Where do I find this feature?

It is found in the Elections - Customize module. It is below the grid list of choices in the Choices tab.

Import Choices feature first implemented in build 12.4.x.x

What does the Import Module look like?

This is an example of the Import Choices module in Flow.

Who Can Access This?

Currently only users in the Global content group with a System Admin security level can use this feature.

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