Poll Web app - Admin Portal

Poll Web app - Admin Portal

Navigate to https://polling.bannisterlake.com/admin

You’ll be asked to sign in using a google account. If you already have an account, skip this section.

Register User

If you are a new user, you will need a code from Bannister Lake to create an account. Contact support in order to acquire this code.

Click the register button to open the new user form

Enter your organization or company name in the given field and type in the code provided to you.

Next, click the register with Google button, it will bring up a window for you to sign in with a google account. This will be the account you use to log in in the future.

Click the Register User button. If successful, you will then be signed in to the admin portal. Click the logout button to logout of your account

Viewing published polls

This table lists all of the polls created by your company.

To navigate to the poll’s page, click the

Click this button to navigate to the poll’s page

Click this button to delete the poll. You will be asked to confirm before you delete the poll

Click this button to create a new Poll



Creating a new poll

Click the new poll button to open the “Create New Poll” window.

Fill out the form assigning at least two choices and press publish poll. If successful you will now see your new poll added to the poll table.