Elections Headshots Importer Release Notes

Version - May 24, 2023

  • Updated BLSoft.dll v1.7.0.62, ReaderUtils.dll v1.0.0.44, MySql.Data.dll v8.0.29 and other miscellaneous DLLs as well.

  • Changed DbSupport::Connect function to set Names to 'utf8mb4' instead of just 'utf8'.

  • Also changed requested execution level from ‘requireAdministrator' to 'asInvoker'. For existing installs, the 'C:\ProgramData\Bannister Lake\Elections Headshots Importer’ folder must be first deleted (or renamed to something else) prior to running the installer.

Version - Sep 22, 2022

  • Fixed a potential bug with checked events from previous app run that no longer exists during start up. The checked events are read from the preference settings on startup.

Version - Jun 1, 2022

  • Added more logging.

  • Added check for updates on startup and will post a message in the status if a new build is available.

  • Shows invalid files in the grid instead of just logging them as errors.

  • Added filter to show only invalid files.

  • Added File->Preferences menu item to allow changing of headshots options.


  • Fixed a bug that causes an uncaught exception due to repeated fields in filenames using the letter specifier format.

  • Fixed a bug in the Conflict Resolution dialog with the 'Candidates to Use' drop-down list showing only the firstname of each potential match.

  • Fixed a bug with the SQL in one of the matching functions (search for candidates with the vowels replaced to do wildcard searches).

  • Added more matching functions when all other matching functions fail to find a candidate. These new functions search based only on the first names and only on the last names.

  • Added a label in the Conflict Resolution dialog to indicate what to do to resolve the conflicts.

  • Modified match score algorithm to also account for how many last names match.


  • Fixed bug with validation of Flow credentials both in the Connection test in Preferences and also on Form load.

  • Fixed a bug with only attempting to match party codes instead of also matching against party datafeed codes.

  • Fixed a bug with always only attempting to match the party codes instead of it being optional.

  • Added more matching functions when the common matching functions fail to find any matches.


  • Removed showing of Event IDs in the Events list.

  • Fixed an issue with candidates that have headshots IDs that are don't exist in the media table. This can happen likely due to improper restoration of the DB tables.


  • Fixed a bug with a newly created media Bin not being selected.

  • Fixed a bug that occurs when attempting to create a new media Bin immediately after launching app for the first time after installation.

  • Changed 'Candidates to Use' column texts to be multi-lined so that it matches the info style shown in the 'Match Information' column.

  • Changed 'Candidates to Use' drop-down list items to be also multi-lined, matching the info style shown in the 'Match Information' column.


  • Updated Newtonsoft.Json to match that required by BlSoft.dll. The mismatched caused Release Notes & Check for Updates to fail.

  • Removed Thumbnail.dll which is no longer used as it is very large and we only used it to generate thumbnails.

  • Added new matching function that uses wildcards in place of vowels in the first and last names.


  • Changed functionality to be more visual with using a grid that shows the images and parsed candidate info.

  • Changed functionality such that it requires user to check the matches first before inserting the headshots.

  • Changed list of Events and Bins such that items from the Global content group aren't added when the selected content group is not <Global>.

  • Added support for more flexible filenames that use the letter specifications for the name types.

  • Added support for matching using the Area ID or names when provided with the flexible file format.

  • Added option to allow moving of inserted files into a subfolder.


  • Tweaked calculation of match score for a potential match and filter out bad matches based on a more conservative score limit.


  • Added more aggressive matching functions but uses better metrics to winnow the list of matches.

  • Added Preference to allow users to manually choose which match to use when there is more than a single good match.


  • Added more flexibility to account for parts of last names possibly being inserted into the first names.


  • Fixed bug in insertion that converted a JPG image to a PNG which increases the size of the bitmap significantly prior to saving to the database. This can result in the save failing due to the image size exceeding the database’s MAX ALLOWED PACKET setting or the MEDIUMBLOB size allotted saving images even though the file size is much smaller.


  • Fixed bug with attempting to insert an image that is too large and then calling the transaction commit() command after running the rollback() command.


  • Updated to ReaderUtils 1.0.44 & MySql.Data.dll 8.0.25.

  • Updated to Telerik 2021.1.204.

  • Removed use of ReaderUtils::ContentGroups.ValidateFlowCredentials() since it isn't necessary.

  • Added additional check in Preferences::Test Connection to see if the Flow information returned is successful (i.e., not blank).

  • Added support for additional MySQL parameters. To add such parameters, modify the settings.ini directly using the 'Additional Parameters' key.


  • Fixed default Updater password. Incorrect one was being installed by default.

  • Added menu options to access Release Notes and also check for updates.


  • When adding/updating headshot images for candidates to the Media table, the thumbnails are also added/updated.


  • Moved the setting of the Headshots Source Folder to the main UI instead of in the Preferences dialog.

  • Changed the launch sequence so that the Preference dialog is always shown first (ie, like in the Gears apps).

  • Fixed Folder Browser Dialog to now show previously selected headshots source folder when opened.


  • Added MySQL User/Password controls in Preferences to allow use of difference DB authorization information.

  • Clears main UI lists if DB init failed when Preferences are changed.

  • Exits app if the initial Preferences are not set (on a fresh install).


  • Converted to use Telerik controls.

  • Uses Flow to acquire authorization info for DB access.

  • Changed to generic About from.


  • Added support for Event selections.


  • Renamed from ‘Elector Headshots Importer’ to 'Elections Headshots Importer'.


  • Fixed bug caused by saving data into the SavedPath field in the media table. This is only used for URL sourced media.


  • initial version