Import Users

Import Users

Admin users can import a list of users from a file in CSV format. If you use the correct field names the import process will be able to map your data to users and create or update them for you.

This import process creates a new user for each login name that doesn’t already exist.
Existing users can also be updated by this import process.

Field Names

Fields can be added in any order to the csv file but must use the defined names below.

Field values can be blank except where noted. When a field is blank a default value may apply.

Extra fields in the file will be ignored.

Field Name



Field Name



User Name

Cannot be blank.

This is the name used when signing in.

First Name

Defaults to User Name if not provided


Last Name

Defaults to User Name if not provided


Login Method

One of:

  • ldap

  • google

  • flow

  • default (same as flow: means use the userid/pwd defined in Flow)

Can also be blank and then the default selected in the import module applies.


Content Group

The name of the Content Group the user belongs to and will be granted full access to.

If left blank or if the given name doesn’t match an existing Content Group then the default Content Group will be applied.


Security Group

The name of the Security Group the user is assigned to. Choose from the list of names available in Flow.

If left blank or if the given name doesn’t match an available Security Group then the default Security Group will be applied.









Ignored for LDAP and Google login methods.


LDAP Group

The LDAP Group the user should be assigned to (if applicable)

LDAP Groups are defined in the System - Configuration - LDAP module and are visible in the dropdown lists when manually adding/editing users in Flow.


Time Zone

The Time Zone ID the user should be assigned to. (if applicable)

If a time zone id value isn’t given then the system default will be used which is the time zone of the server.

NOTE: the values used in this column must be valid time zone id values. You can see the list of valid time zone values in the User Import module by pressing the Valid ID Values button. This will open a window with a full list of time zones.

Added in build


User Closing Fields

If you want to automatically assign users to a Closing Institution - then you need to add these closing fields and provide the relevant data for each user record. Both the Group and Institution name must be given.

Field Name



Field Name



Closing Group

The name of the Closing Group that the Institution is part of.
This group must be in the users assigned Content Group.

Closing Institution

The name of the Closing Institution that the user will be assigned.

This can be the name of a school or a business etc.

Closing Type

The name of the Closing Institution Type that the institution will be assigned.


User Closing Institution Address Fields - optional

These fields are used only when adding new institutions during an import.

Field Name



Field Name




Line 1 of the address of the Institution.



Line 2 of the address of the Institution.



The city or town name of the Institution.



The province or state of the Institution.
Either field name can be used but not both in the same import file.



The postal code or zip code of the Institution.
Either field name can be used but not both in the same import file.



The name of the country of the Institution.


User Closings Import Options

Institutions and Groups

There are 3 main behaviors to choose from when importing user closings with the user import.

  1. Use existing groups and institutions

    1. the closing groups and institutions must already exist before the import runs.

  2. Add new Institutions only

    1. automatically creates a new Closing Institution if a match isn’t found in the given Closing Group

  3. Add new groups and institutions

    1. automatically creates a new Closing Group when a match isn’t found in the users Content Group

    2. automatically creates a new Closing Institution if a match isn’t found in the given Closing Group

Institution Types

An secondary option controls if the Institution Types must already exist or if the import process will add them when they are not found. Note that the import will not update the institution type of an existing institution.

Assigning Multiple Closings to a Single User

To achieve this - add a record for each closing and re-use the same user basic details changing the closing institution details.

A note on Updating User Closings

If the Assigned Closing is enabled for update of existing users - the import will replace the existing assignment with the one defined in the import file for each user.

Additional Notes

The import only works with Closing Groups in the user’s assigned Content Group when trying to find a match or creating a new one.

This assignment of a user closing can also be done manually via the User Closings module.

This feature was first enabled in build released Feb 11, 2022.

Sample Import with Closings Assigned

How To …

Import Users Into Specific Content Groups

When importing new users - they need to be assigned to a content group. You will need to select a default Content Group before importing your file of users. If all the users in your file can be assigned to the same content group then you are ready to import. If however some of the users in the file belong to a different content group then you have 2 choices:

  1. Provide the correct Content Group name in the Content Group field for the user.

  2. Separate the users into different files for each Content Group and run them as independent imports with the appropriate default Content Group selected.

Updating Users

The import process can be used to update existing users data. Users are matched based on the User Name field. The import process will only update a data field if these conditions are met

  1. It is selected for update in the checkbox list - AND -

  2. The corresponding column is available in the file

Content Group Changes

When a user content group is changed the import process will

  1. Remove any access granted to the user’s previously assigned content group

  2. Grant full access to the new content group.

Flow UI - What does the Import Module look like?

This is an example of the Import Users module in Flow.


Who Can Access This?

Currently only users in the Global Content group with a System Admin security level can use this module.

Import Users feature first implemented in build


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