Rich Text Style

Rich Text Style

This section describes how to configure the Rich Text formatting inside Chameleon to work with graphic systems such as XPression.

The system preference named Broadcast Styles is used to enable the use of these styles in the Story and Sports modules.

Rich Text Editor Body Styles

The Rich Text Editor Body Styles allows you to define the styles seen in Score Report and Story sections.

Controls to specify the body styles.
Sample of the body style applied to the story edit box.

Rich Text Editor Text Styles

You can customize the font styles which can be used as part of the graphic system by creating your own text style. Once the text style is created you can select it in the Score Reports or Story sections inside Chameleon.

Controls for specifying font styles.
Sample of selecting a defined font style in the story editor.

The Class text is what will be used for the graphic system.
Make sure the class text matches the font style name.

Class names are limited to alpha numeric characters, hyphen and underscore. They also cannot start with a digit, two hyphens, or a hyphen followed by a digit.

Below you see a sample of a BlueBold font whose class name matches the font as defined in XPression.

In Configuration
In XPression


Global Styles

You can define styles in the Global content group that will then be available to users in all content groups. If a content group needs to they can still create a style with the same Name as the Global style but it will apply when used in the specific content group only. Note that while the Name will be the same they will still each have a unique Class and it is the Class that is matched with the graphic system fonts.

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