

For Tags go to: Weather Tags

Use the Weather module to manage weather content for any location.

Weather topics contain an extensive list of content from highs to lows to forecasts and text descriptions about conditions. Weather data can be provided automatically when a data feed is available and can come from multiple sources. If multiple sources are used the you are able to select the source when working with the weather locations.

Weather playlists can be created and managed using Weather > Playlists module.

To manage your weather forecasts in Chameleon, from the Home page, under Content select  Weather.

Adding Locations

  1. The selection of locations is no longer a feature of the Flow interface as of version (Oct. 2017)

  2. Instead the locations are added via the weather reader apps themselves. 

Manage Selected Forecast Location and Details

You can manage existing location forecasts at any time as follows:





Select a Location

Select a defined location from the list to manage by clicking on it in the dropdown location list.

Edit Location Name

You can change the default name of the location if you prefer to use a different name in the broadcast. The original name will be remembered and can be viewed via the tooltip when hovering over the location name.

  1. Click the Edit button (pencil) beside the location list

  2. Edit the name

  3. Click the Save button

Edit Forecasts

  1. Select the location you want to edit forecasts for.

  2. Click the Edit icon (pencil) in the forecast details header

  3. For each forecast day (Current, Today, Tonight, Day 2, Day 3, and so on), configure forecast data.

  4. Click Save.

  • Data Source: Manual or Data Feed - See details on manual and data feed configuration in Manage Data Source for Forecast below. You can also set all forecast dates to manual or data feed at once. See Manage Data Source For All Forecasts below.

  • Day of the Week - Select a day from the list.

  • Part Name - mostly applicable for day part forecasts - used to provide a nice label for displaying the associated weather in the broadcast (Eg. Morning, Afternoon, Evening etc)

  • Daytime Condition - Select a daytime condition from the list.

  • Nighttime Condition - Select a nighttime condition from the list.

  • Visibility - specify the distance and units as appropriate

  • Sunrise - time of sunrise for the day forecast

  • Sunset - time of the sunset for the day forecast

  • Temperature - Enter a temperature.

  • Feels like - Enter a temperature if a heat index, relative humidity, or wind chill is affecting the current temperature.

  • Dew Point - a temperature

  • Wind Direction - Select a wind direction from the list to report on wind conditions and you may also enter the wind direction in degrees

  • Speed - Enter a wind speed to report wind conditions.(speed units are set as a system preference)

  • Air Quality - provide an air quality rating or statement

  • Text - Enter brief, free form text to customize the weather report conditions, such as: Sunny, Partly Cloudy, Snow Flurries, Foggy, Overcast.

  • P.O.P. - Enter a probability of precipitation to report precipitation conditions.

  • Humidity - enter the humidity percentage

  • UV Index - Enter a UV Index (0 - 20), to report on ultraviolet radiation levels.

  • Air Pressure - specify a value in kPa (or alternate units as configured) and optionally a direction of the change

Manual Overrides

You can configure each forecast day for a manual override or automatic data feed. This functionality is most useful for overriding data from the data feed by switching to manual when required.

 Indicates a manual feed. When set to manual, even when a data feed exists, this particular forecast is not updated until someone manually updates the data. Click to convert the forecast into a data feed.

 Indicates a data feed. Manual data entry is possible; however, data will be updated by the data feed the next time it automatically updates. This feature allows you to make temporary manual changes before the next update. Click to convert the forecast into a manual feed.

Manage Data Source For All Forecasts

You can set all forecasts for the location to manual or automatic data feed at once.

Click an icon to toggle all to one feed type or the other. Click OK to confirm.

Remove a Location

This can only be done in the readers as of version (Oct. 2017)

Old Data Indicator

A old data indicator light tells you that at least one of your forecast days has stale, out-of-date data that requires your attention. 

By default, this icon appears when weather data is more than three (3) hours old, though this stale data value is system configurable (Weather > Hours Before Old) . Contact Bannister Lake Support for assistance.

Refresh Weather Data

Click Refresh at any time to update the the weather for the locations list. This will retrieve the data that was last provided by the data reader.

Configurable Preferences

All these preferences are prefixed with the word Weather for easy searching in the preferences module.

Auto Edit Mode

When true the forecasts are automatically in edit mode when selected.

Distance Units

The units used for distances - kilometers (km) or miles (mi)

Hours Before Old

The number of hours from the last update before a weather forecast is considered old and flagged.

Pressure Units

The units used to report barometric pressure - kPa or inHg or mb or hPa.

Temperature Scale

The scale can be configured to be either Fahrenheit or Celsius using F or C as the value.

Wind Speed Units

The wind speed units support metric and standard units. It can be miles or kilometers per hour or even meters/sec using mph, kph, mps as the value.

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