Elections Tags

Elections Tags

For Chameleon Elections Player Tags see: Elections Player Tags

Chameleon TagsDescription

Chameleon Ticker - (add [0] for additional choices. ex: ^choice[1].name for 2nd choice's name)


The first name of the Candidate (ex: John) # = candidate leading in that race
^choice.lastnameThe last name of the Candidate (ex: Smith)
^choice.nameThe full name of the Candidate (ex: John Smith)
^choice.mediaAn image representing the Candidate
^choice.detailsThe candidate notes
^choice.notesThe candidate notes (Player 3.0.381 or later)
^choice.winnerA Visible tag object. Visible if the candidate is elected.
^choice.incumbentA Visible tag object. Visible if the candidate is the incumbent for the office

The percentage of votes for this candidate as a decimal value. Example: 0.58 

add a format attribute to apply custom formatting

For XPression See: XPression Text Formatting

For Web See: Chameleon Designer Text Formatting

^choice.percentagetextThe percentage of votes for this candidate formatted as a string with % character:  Example: 58% 
^choice.votesThe number of votes received for this candidate

A Visible tag object. Visible if the candidate is acclaimed.

supported in Player 3.0.189 or later

^choice.votespreviousThe previous number of votes for the candidate


The votes previous percentage of votes for this candidate as a decimal value. Example: 0.58 

add a format attribute to apply custom formatting

For XPression See: XPression Text Formatting

For Web See: Chameleon Designer Text Formatting

^choice.votespreviouspercentagetextThe percentage of previous votes for this candidate formatted as a string with % character:  Example: 58% 
^choice.votes2The number of votes2 votes for the candidate

The votes2 percentage of votes for this candidate as a decimal value. Example: 0.58 

add a format attribute to apply custom formatting

For XPression See: XPression Text Formatting

For Web See: Chameleon Designer Text Formatting

^choice.votes2percentagetextThe percentage of votes2 votes for this candidate formatted as a string with % character:  Example: 58% 

The previous number of votes2 votes for the candidate


The previous votes2 percentage of votes for this candidate as a decimal value. Example: 0.58 

add a format attribute to apply custom formatting

For XPression See: XPression Text Formatting

For Web See: Chameleon Designer Text Formatting

^choice.votes2previouspercentagetextThe percentage of previous votes2 for this candidate formatted as a string with % character:  Example: 58% 

The number of eligible votes for the contest (Player 3.0.390 or later)

^choice.eevpThe Estimated Expected Vote Percentage (EEVP) for the contest (Player 3.0.390 or later)
^choice.popTotalVotesThe number of popular votes for the contest (Player 3.0.390 or later)
^choice.popvotesPreviousThe percentage of popular votes for the contest in the event prior to the current elections event (Player 3.0.390 or later)

Choice dynamic tags. Replace tagname with the name of the choice dynamic tag.  

Election choice dynamic tags are supported in Player 3.0.389 or later

^choice.party.nameThe full name of the party (ex: Democratic Party)
^choice.party.altnameThe alternate party name 
^choice.party.mediaThe Party Logo graphic
^choice.party.codeThe short name of the party (ex: Democrats)
^choice.party.detailsParty notes
^choice.party.notesParty notes (Player 3.0.381 or later)
^choice.party.colorParty color
^choice.office.nameThe office the candidates are running for.
^choice.office.codeThe abbreviation for the office.
^choice.office.detailsThe office notes.
^choice.office.notesThe office notes. (Player 3.0.381 or later)
^choice.office.typeA text description of the type of office.


The percentage of polls reported as a decimal value. Example: 0.28  (use a format to customize the tag)
^choice.polls.percentagetextThe percentage of polls reported formatted as a string with % character:  Example: 28% 
^choice.polls.reportedThe number of polls who have reported results
^choice.polls.totalThe total number of polls available for this region.
^choice.event.dateThe time and date the polls close for this election (required)
^choice.event.nameThe name of this election event.
^choice.event.shortnameThe name of this election event.
^choice.event.detailsEvent notes
^choice.event.notesEvent notes (Player 3.0.381 or later)
^choice.area.nameThe name of the contest area (Country, State, Province, Municipality, etc)
^choice.area.codeThe abbreviation for the contest area (Country, State, Province, Municipality, etc)
^choice.area.detailsnotes about the contest area (Country, State, Province, Municipality, etc)
^choice.area.notesnotes about the contest area (Player 3.0.381 or later)
^choice.contest.typeThe contest type  (Player 3.0.381 or later)
^choice.contest.notesThe contest notes (Player 3.0.381 or later)
^choice.contest.tagnamecontest dynamic tags  (Player 3.0.381 or later)

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