Elections Player Tags

The following scene and tag naming conventions are solely for the Chameleon Elections Player. For scene and tag naming conventions for the Elector Player, please refer to the following document: Elector Player Tags.

Note that as of Gears for XPression v1.0.0.33, you can also specify tags using the Metadata ‘tag’ attribute instead of modifying the object names (see the document: Chameleon Scene Tags).

**Percentage Decimal Places: By default, the number of decimal places shown for the percentage will depend on the text assigned to the object at design time. For example, if the text in the tag at design time is ‘0.00’ then on output, the percentage value will also show 2 decimal places back filled with ‘0’s. This feature is controlled by an option in the Elections Player’s Preference settings.

**Percent Sign: If there’s a '%' in the text assigned to the object at design time, the % sign will appear at the end of the number. This feature is controlled by an option that can be disabled in the Elections Player’s Preference settings.

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