Chameleon Ticker

Chameleon Ticker

Launch Chameleon Ticker Player

Launch the Ticker Player by double clicking on the shortcut on the desktop.

Accessing the Chameleon Ticker Player user interface

Once the service has started, you will need to configure. Right click on the Ticker Player system tray icon and select Manage



In the player tab, you may select a 'Show' from the drop down in the 'Up Next' section. Use the Change Show button to move it to the 'Now Playing' section.

The following buttons will control Online and Offline behaviour.


Online RestartTake the selected show online and restart the rundown
Online Resume

Take the selected show online and will resume the rundown on the next item in the current Topic that it was playing when it went offline.

In Ticker Player 3.0.314 and earlier versions the Resume functionality would resume on the next Topic and not the next Item in the current Topic.

OfflineTake the show Offline
ClearImmediately Clear the Show and put it Offline



The player will run an Internal Web Server that the player uses to retrieve data from the Chameleon database. The server can be stopped and started as needed. You can also give your player a name as well as set it's 'Channel'


When enabled, the player will use Chameleon Flow's rundown scheduler to change the Show.  If you try to override manually in the player, the schedule will take over the following minute. 


This is where you will enter the Chameleon server database location settings. The URL can be local or across a network. Any valid user to the server can be used as credentials.

Flow Settings
Flow URLThe URL to the Flow Server
UserThe Flow user account the player will use
PasswordThe password for the Flow user account the player will use

Database Settings
UserThe MySQL database user
PasswordThe MySQL database password for the user
Additional ParametersAllows for additional MySQL parameters to be added for use in the MySQL connection string. Typically will not be required.


Automation settings are used if you plan on having Chameleon Ticker triggered by Automation using GPI, RS422 or IP Automation.

Reset Contentreset the rundown
Onlineput the player online - like pressing the Online button in the Player Tab

put the player online and resume the rundown on the next item in the current Topic that it was playing when it went offline. - like pressing the Online Resume button in the Player Tab

Supported in Ticker Player 3.0.290 or later

Offlineput the player offline - like pressing the Offline button in the Player Tab
Clearclear the player and go offline - - like pressing the Clear button in the Player Tab
Change Showchange the current show loaded in the player. Send the command <show:#> while replacing the # with the name of the show. For example: <show:Demo Ticker>
Change ChannelChange the channel of the current player.  Used if you want to dynamically change an engine to be a different channel  (Version 3.0.838 or higher)


As of version 3.0.838, the ticker player supports the use of Macros for the commands.   Using %channel% in your command, will look at the players' current channel name as part of the trigger.  Useful if your automation is listening to multiple channel commands and only needing to trigger current channel commands

As of v3.0.205 The GPI Board and GPI values have a 1 based index. Where the first GPI Board or GPI index will start at 1.  (previous builds had an index of 0)

For example, to receive GPI 1 from GPI Board 1 (as defined in XPression), set GPI Board = 1 and GPI = 1

XPression GPI Boards


Check boxes to enable the different logging messagesErrors, Exceptions, Performance, Warning, Information and Debug
Open Current LogOpen the current / active log file
Open Log FolderOpen the folder where the Ticker Player logs reside in Windows Explorer (C:\ProgramData\Bannister Lake\Ticker Player\logs).
Auto Remove Logs Older Than # DaysSet number of days to maintain logs. All logs older than # of days will be removed


Start Server On Launch

Will start the data service on launch of the application (recommended)


Server Port


Endpoint is the ID you give to this Server

Project Folder

The Project Folder path

Always OnlineAlways Online is checked if you want the Ticker Player to go online (Start Playback) when Ticker Player is launched
FramebufferThe XPression Framebuffer to use
Layer Offset Will apply the layer offset to the layer number that the XPression Scene uses
Remote ControlEnable to be able to control the Player from the Flow User Interface

Remote Control Port

Remote Control Port if port is different than default 81

If running multiple instances on the same system and using the Remote Control feature each instance should use a different Remote Control Port to avoid conflicts

Restore Playback on Framebuffer ClearIf the XPression framebuffer is cleared external to Ticker Player when online, Ticker Player will put the show back online.
Use Database Time for On-AirWhen checking content items On-Air times will use the time of the database server. If false will use local system time of the Ticker Player.
Use Database Time for ExpiryWhen checking content items expiry times will use the time of the database server. If false will use local system time of the Ticker Player.
Use Branding Channel Time AdjustWill control if the time adjust should be applied to start times if using a channel that is also linked to a branding player that has a time adjust assigned. (default to false)
API EnabledAllow player to receive API calls. Required for Branding Player
API PortPort if port is different than default 8108

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