Chameleon Web Server

Chameleon Web Server

Launch Chameleon Web Server

If you're running a local instance of Chameleon, launch the player by double clicking on Chameleon Web Server icon.

Accessing the Chameleon Web Server user interface

Once the service has started, you will need to configure. Right click on the Chameleon Web Server system tray icon and select Manage


You can Stop and Start the Web Server. You can also give your player a name. The Channel, Show, Project, Rundown are assigned in the Chameleon Web User Interface

Channelhe assigned Channel used for this Chameleon Web Server instance
ShowThe Current show to use for this Chameleon Web Server instance
ProjectThe project that is used by the currently selected Show
RundownThe rundown that is used by the currently selected Show


The playout URL can be found at the bottom of the UI. Use this URL in a browser to show the output of the currently selected Show.


When enabled, the Chameleon Web Server will use the Chameleon Flow rundown scheduler to change the current Show based on the channel schedule configured. 


This is where you will enter the Chameleon server database location settings.

The Flow URL can be local or across a network. Any valid user to the Flow server can be used as credentials.



Check boxes to enable the different logging messagesErrors, Exceptions, Performance, Warning, Information and Debug
Open Current LogOpen the current / active log file
Open Log FolderOpen the folder where the Chameleon Web Server logs reside in Windows Explorer (C:\ProgramData\Bannister Lake\Ticker Player\logs).
Auto Remove Logs Older Than # DaysSet number of days to maintain logs. All logs older than # of days will be removed


Start server on launchStart the web server when Chameleon is launched
PortThe web server port
EndpointThe web server endpoint name
Project FolderThe directory path to where the chameleon projects are located. Have your json and project folder inside this root folder
Remote ControlEnable to be able to control the Player from the Flow User Interface
Remote Control Port

Remote Control Port if port is different than default 81

If running multiple instances on the same system and using the Remote Control feature each instance should use a different Remote Control Port to avoid conflicts

Use Branding Channel Time AdjustWill control if the time adjust should be applied to start times if using a channel that is also linked to a branding player that has a time adjust assigned. (default to false)
API SettingsEnable only if you plan on having 3rd party Apps connect to Chameleon Player (Chameleon Branding Player, Chameleon Election Player)



You can use the Switch ID to show multiple different shows using the same channel. The pros to this is that you can use the same branding scheduler, and have multiple shows display the same elements.   Not useful if you want to have separate branding elements.   

A sample:   note the url is pointing to the Chameleon instance, but the showCode parameter is pointing to a specific show 

Video Playback

It is possible to assign video media to Quad objects in addition to Images

Why doesn’t the Video Play?

The Chrome browser doesn't allow auto play of videos by default. You'll likely need to launch chrome with the flag: --autoplay-policy=no-user-gesture-required

Launch chrome.exe from a command line and add the flag Or try adding the flag to the chrome shortcut via properties and you should close all open Chrome browsers before launching with this setting.

Example shortcut text:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --autoplay-policy=no-user-gesture-required


On the Chameleon Web Server player system have a look in the following folder
C:\ProgramData\Bannister Lake\Ticker Player\cache\
It will likely contain subfolder(s) with the format DataBaseServer_Database
For example:
C:\ProgramData\Bannister Lake\Ticker Player\cache\
The Chameleon Web Server Player may also cache some media files locally here so delete those folders to also force it to grab from the database.
You may also update and restart the Chameleon Web Server Player and then after restarting give the NUC browsers a refresh.

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