

All user activity in Flow is audited in real-time, and all audit logs are searchable. You can sort and filter the report data and you can export audit log data to a number of common formats, including PDF, CSV, Microsoft® Word®, and Microsoft® Excel®. 

Audit Log

All user activity in Flow is logged in User Audit Logs. See all activity audit logs for Flow. From the Home page, select Reports > Audit Log.

Specify report options, including: Report Type, Start Date/Time, and End Date/Time, and then click Go to reload the report with your criteria.

The report data displays in a table.

  • You can sort the Type, User, and Event columns. Click on the column header to sort in ascending or descending order.

  • You can also filter the report by Type, User, and Event. Enter filter criteria in the fields to search for specific audit details and specify a filtering option. When you filter the report, the table updates to show only those audited events referencing that filter option. 

Click an Export option in the top right corner of the table to export the report table to: PDF, CSV, Microsoft® Word®, or Microsoft® Excel® file format. 


In Flow, error logs identify system issues that need to be addressed. Review error details in Flow. From the Home page, select Reports > Errors.

You have access to the same report criteria and filtering options available in the User Audit Logs module. If you see a system error logged in Flow:

  1. Export the error log to a CSV or Excel file.

  2. Email that log file to Bannister Lake Support.

  3. When the issue is resolved, you can clear the error logs in Flow.

Candidates Report

The Candidates Report enables you to print candidate details as a hard copy reference. It is formatted specifically for hard copy use. You can access the Candidates Report in Flow. From the Home page, select Reports > Candidates.

Note: The Candidates Report is intended to be printed directly from the browser using the browser's print and print preview options.

You can sort the table. Click on a column header to sort in ascending or descending order.
You can also filter the report by column type, including: Incumbent, Elected, Last Name, First Name, Riding, Riding Region, Party, Interesting Option, On-Air Insight, or Full Insight. When you filter the report, the table updates to show only the filtered candidates. 

Sample Candidate Report Print Preview

Ridings Report

The Ridings Report enables you to print riding details as a hard copy reference. It is formatted specifically for hard copy use. You can access the Ridings Report in Flow. From the Home page, select Reports > Ridings.

Note: The Ridings Report is intended to be printed directly from the browser using the browser's print and print preview options.

  • You can sort the table. Click on a column header to sort in ascending or descending order.

  • You can also filter the report by column type, including: Riding #, English Name, French Name, Region, Insight, and Incumbent Party. When you filter the report, the table updates to show only those filtered ridings. 

Sample Riding Report Print Preview