Workflow Overview

Workflow Overview

Chameleon Branding is a branding solution based on Ross XPression that provides support for displaying Bugs, Snipes, Next, Bumpers, and Switcher graphics.

Chameleon Branding reads XPression projects to discover the resource scenes created for channel branding. Chameleon Branding uses a naming convention for the scenes in the XPression projects to distinguish between the different types of resources.

Chameleon Branding workflows include the following:

Create Graphics & Load Into Chameleon Branding

Set up your channel’s branding scenes using Ross XPression Studio. Designers can continue using their favorite tool sets to reduce the learning curve and quickly bring rich graphics into XPression. Three dimensional models can be animated by segment for captivating effects. Using predefined resource tags in your scenes, an entire channel can be run with less than a dozen dynamic boards.

Schedule Your Content

Web-based content authoring and play out scheduling with secure access allows you to control Chameleon Branding from any desktop, laptop, or tablet with a browser. Easily schedule Bugs, Snipes, Next Ups, Bumpers, and Promotions across multiple channels. Quickly schedule months of programming.

Set Up Output

The Chameleon Branding Player combines your scenes with the scheduled content at broadcast time. Scene playback is triggered from broadcast traffic, automation play lists, and time code for the highest automated broadcast available. Powerful three dimensional graphics driven by the Ross Video BlueBox leave an impression on your viewers. As-Run reports provide proof of play for your sponsored segments.

Master Control Operation

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