Integrating Chameleon with Automation Systems

Integrating Chameleon with Automation Systems

Although Chameleon has its own scheduling system for tickers and branding, a more traditional broadcast system may be preferred which includes triggering secondary events. Those triggers might be to bring a ticker, snipe or bug on/off. We’ll call these objects assets. Assets can also be triggered manually from Flow for live events but we’ll concentrate on secondary events in the traffic schedule.

All trigger commands in Chameleon can be defined in players but our default commands use characters < and > as prefix and suffix. For example, the default ticker automation commands are:

and for branding:

The # for automation commands refers to an asset name as defined in Flow:

But, all automation commands in Chameleon can be modified as required. The only thing that’s important for branding is to have the asset name (house ID) within the string. Using the above list of assets, to trigger asset “countdown test”, the trigger would be <countdown test>.

The automation system should be able to take a secondary event defined in the traffic playlist and be able to trigger the event by sending a command to Chameleon’s players using the event’s name (house id/asset name) with a prefix and suffix to delimit the command. These commands can come to Chameleon’s players using ip or 422.