Flattened Access to Media Files

Flattened Access to Media Files

Now in BLADE (version you can generate flattened media access when you are using the local path option. There are 2 BLADE options that control how this happens.  The first one is – Media Local File Path.  When this is set BLADE output automatically creates flat access to individual media files for each standard media item.

For example in this tweet the Avatar also has it’s media file in the AvatarLocalFile for flattened access.

Then the second piece is to flatten media lists which occur in Tweets, Stories, and Events.  For these there is a Flat Image Count (or Flat Media Count) parameter that you set to indicate how many images should be added to each entry to have flat, consistent access to the images.

Example - Twitter:

The following shows the results of have a Flat Image Count of 1 for the twitter results:

The first tweet has no attached image - so the Image1_ fields are blank but they do exist.

The tweet further down does have an image attached so it has values for each of the Image1_ fields including the Image1_LocalFile field.



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