Customize Watch List Views For Quick Access

As you configure Elector for your upcoming election broadcast, you can set up personal or public riding watch lists. It can be helpful to think of a watchlist as just a group of ridings. On election day, as you review election results, you can filter results by these watch lists to track the ridings that matter most. You can flag ridings that are important to you by creating your own Personal Watch List in Flow called My Watchlist. Manage your watch list at any time before or during the election broadcast, anywhere you see the Watch options.

You can create as many watchlists as you want. You can build watchlists based on geographical groups of ridings or political lines or any arbitrary method you wish.

To set up watch lists, from the Home page use one of these options.

  • click   or select from Results > Riding Summary
  • click  or select from Content Management > Manage Ridings.

Working with Watchlists

The process for creating a watchlist is

  1. Create a new list
    1. Assign it a name
    2. Add it to a group
    3. Set other options as desired
  2. Click-once on each riding you want in the list
  3. Done

The best places to create and manage the list of ridings in each watchlist us the Ridings Summary module and Manage Ridings module.

Working with Watchlists in the Ridings Summary

You can create and edit your watchlists directly in the Ridings Summary module.
NOTE: the process is the same in the Riding Management module except that the placement of the watchlist tools is customized to suit the content. Not all users have access to the Riding management module.

To create a new list

click on the add new list button

This will open the watchlist details window for you to edit.

  1. Type in the new name.
  2. Select a group for it to belong to
  3. Optional - assign a secondary language name
  4. Optional - make it private for view and/or editing to suit your purposes
  5. Click the Add button.

To work with an existing list 

Select the list from the dropdown of available watchlists.

Once your new watchlist is selected you can start selecting ridings for it by clicking on the watch icons in the riding list. Click, click click.
A single click on the watch icon will add the riding to the list. Click it again to take it out of the list. The ridings are always added/removed from the selected watchlist.

If you want to you can first filter the ridings using the filter options available to you in the module to make it easy to find the ridings you want to add.

Manage a List
  1. Select your list.
  2. Click on the following Watch icon to toggle between these states:

Not in list

Add to list

Is in list

Remove from list

Add a New Watch List

You can create as many watch lists as you want.

Click the button to open the form to enter the details of a new watchlist.

Modify a Watch List
  1. Click Edit to modify the watch list details. 
  2. Select a group from the dropdown list.
  3. Specify whether the watch list is public or private. You can share watch lists, including your own watch list, by making them public to all Flow users; private watch lists are visible only to you.
  4. Click Save to save your changes.  

Manage Ridings in a Watch List
  1. Select the Current Watchlist whose ridings you want to manage from the list.
  2. Click on the following Watch icon to toggle between these states:

Not in list

Add to list

Is in list

Remove from list

Manage Watchlist Groups

Admin users can create and manage a hierarchical set of watchlist groups.

Watchlist groups can be assigned to a content group to make it easier for users to focus on their areas of responsibility by seeing only relevant watchlist groups.

If a watchlist group is made private then only the user who created it will see it in their list.