Riding Results Summary

Riding Results Summary

The Riding Results Summary module offers you a powerful set of real-time data filtering tools. From the Home page, select Results > Riding Summary.

Key Features

  1. Riding lead candidate results view

  2. Easy filtering

    1. Save and load filter selections. See: Save Results Summary Filter Selections

  3. Popup access to riding and result details

  4. Highlights electable ridings - if configured

More Interesting Scenario Ideas


How to filter your data



How to filter your data


Incumbents who have kept their seat

  1. In Incumbent header, select the orange 'I' 

  2. In Elected header, select the yellow 'E'

Result: All incumbents have been declared the winning candidate.


The incumbent party has lost to another party

  1. In Party header, select a party to filter on.

  2. In Incumbent Party header, select a different party to filter on.

Result: All ridings whose incumbent party has lost to another party.


Ridings with no party change

Select the Quick Filter Option: Party Unchanging.

Result: All ridings where the riding is not changing parties.


Ridings which are switching party seats

Select the Quick Filter Option: Party Changing.

Result: All ridings where the riding is changing parties.


All races with less than 10% vote lead

  1. In the Lead % column, enter a value of 10.

  2. Click on the Filter icon and select LessThan.


Popup Details

Riding Results Details

To view the candidate by candidate details - you can click on the name of the riding.

This is a sample of the riding results detail popup showing candidates votes and timeline graphs. For more info on the results timeline charts see Results Timelines

Insight and Interesting Event Popups

To view the background notes associated with the riding click on the lightbulb icon.


To view interesting events generated for a riding click the flaming lightbulb icon.


Electable Riding

A riding can be flagged and highlighted in the Election Results Summary module when it meets defined criteria for being eligible to declare the leading candidate as the winner. It is based on a combination of the

  • lead percent

  • poll percent (or Expected Turnout percent)

values in the riding.

Configurable by Preference Setting

To control the levels at which a riding is identified as being electable you set the custom values in the a Preference module setting named:

Prediction: Electable Lead-Poll Percent Steps.

This preference uses a format: Lead% @Poll%, Lead% @Poll%.

For example 50 @20 means if a candidate has a 50% lead with 20% of the polls reporting then the riding should be looked at to decide if the candidate can be declared elected.

Use Expected Turnout in Analysis

This System Preference is used to switch to using the Expected Turnout values from the ridings when displaying the results charts and in the Electable Riding logic instead of the Poll Percent.