Save Results Summary Filter Selections

Save Results Summary Filter Selections

In the Results Summary Module you have access to a large number of filter options. As of version users have the ability to save the filter selections and then reuse them in future sessions.

Saved filter buttons

The filters are saved privately for each user so users are free to name and create filters in a way that is directly useful to them.

Save Filter Selections

The first step is to choose your filter selections. In the example below we have chosen the Party = NDP and Incumbent = Yes.

To save a set of filter selection - press the Save button after choosing your filter options in the grid.

This will open a text box to allow you to provide a name for the new filter. Type the name you want and then press the Save button.

The name you used will appear in the header along with the controls:

Save Changes to the Active Filter Set

After you have saved your filter the first time - you can save any changes to it by simply pressing the save button again.

Start a New Filter Set

There are 2 ways to start a new filtering session. Press the New button or the Clear Filters button. Both of these options will immediately refresh the page with no filters applied.

Open a Saved Filter Set

To open a saved filter set - press the open button.

This will cause a popup to appear with a drop down list of the filters you have previously saved. Select the one you want to open and the press the Open button.

Remove a Saved Filter Set

To remove a saved filter set it first needs to be opened. Then the remove button will become active. You will be prompted to confirm that you want to proceed with removing the saved filter settings. This cannot be undone but of course you could always create a new filter with the same settings.

Rename a Saved Filter Set

To rename a saved filter set it first need to be opened. Then the edit/config button will become active. You will see a popup open with a textbox allowing you to edit the name and then save your changes.