Chameleon CG Integration

Chameleon CG Integration

Need news content? Want Twitter, stories, weather forecasts, game scores, closings, financials, or traffic data for your CG product? The following table describes how Chameleon works with a wide variety of CGs and products available today. Expect this table to grow in length over time.

CG/ProductIntegrating with Chameleon

Ross Video XPression

Chameleon Xpression Design Tips, DataLinq 

Chyron Lyric with Data Tools


Ticker3D XML must be formatted with a specific schema. Use an XSL transformation file to convert it to this format.

You can use Chameleon XML or JSON and create a program/script that converts the input to Ticker3D XML. See Vizrt online documentation.

Newtek LiveText

Contact Bannister Lake for more information.
Avid Maestro and 3DPlayContact Bannister Lake for more information.