Chameleon XPR Ticker Player Release Notes
This article contains release notes for the Chameleon Ticker Player
Version 3.0.402
- update About box and installer graphics
- Help->Check For Updates will show status in a popup dialog
- Financial : support financial topic tags
- Election : support for Event, Party, Office, Area, and Candidate dynamic fields
Version 3.0.392
- fix issue with Flow Login and getting content groups from some logins (introduced in 3.0.382)
Version 3.0.391
- fix issue with default scene director not playing when taking scenes via chameleon api that was introduced in 3.0.382
Version 3.0.390
- Elections : add tags for ^choice.eligiblevotes, ^choice.eevp, ^choice.popvotesprevious, and ^choice.poptotalvotes
Version 3.0.389
- Elections : support election choice dynamic tags
Version 3.0.388
- Elections : fix headshot media error introduced in previous build
Version 3.0.387
- Elections : fix error if Election Event Type is not set
- Elections : support for using the election event generic headshot if set when a candidate headshot is not found
Version 3.0.385
- Write startUtc and endUtc to sponsor asrun if the database supports them
Version 3.0.384
write endpoint, apiEnabled, and apiPort values to the player table
Version 3.0.383
fix error when enabling chameleon.api on multiple instances that was introduced in the previous build (3.0.382)
Version 3.0.382
- get content group list from Flow BLADE
- fix issue when switching between shows that use different projects (introduced in version 3.0.380)
- Support for using %channel% macro in automation command
Version 3.0.381
- Election contest dynamic tag support
- Add Election ^choice.contest.type, ^choice.contest.notes tags
Version 3.0.380
- fix GetRundownGroups related error introduced in 3.0.376
- update some error logging
Version 3.0.378
- when paging with multi style text restore the text objects default font after splitting lines to avoid issues with the text objects default font being incorrect
Version 3.0.377
- Fix issue with paging text when using multi style text
Version 3.0.376
- Rundown Group related fixes when a rundown group contains multiple topics
Version 3.0.373
support Election tag ^choice.contestType
fix an issue with the display count option in a rundown not working as expected
Version 3.0.372
support Election choice ignore setting
Version 3.0.370
fix issue with the traffic camera urls not working that was introduced in version 3.0.359
Version 3.0.369
fix issue with the Not pregame tag (^!score.pregame) showing when game is in pregame introduced in version 3.0.359
Version 3.0.368
- fix for when topic train tags being present in the scene were causing an issue with paging
Version 3.0.366
- if webserver isn't running and api is enabled don't keep checking server for api commands as it would fill the logs with errors
- trim trailing slash and spaces from flow url string
Version 3.0.364
- support for ^rundownGroup tag to show rundown group broadcast names when using Flow or later
Version 3.0.363
- use .net framework 4.7.2
Version 3.0.362
- improve check when detecting a page break inside text string (look for <hr /> in addition to<hr>)
Version 3.0.360
- supports ^sponsor.description tag when using Flow or greater
- add sponsor description and player ip address to sponsor asrun when using Flow or greater
- fix a handle leak introduced in 3.0.359
Version 3.0.359
- For boolean visibility tags also set text value = "true"/"false" if it's a text object
- If media file is using a network share path make sure the path uses backslashes and not forward slashes when updating the quad texture
- for the chameleon api scene player make the default scene director OR the Transition Logic IN scene director dictate when the scene is finished (whichever one finishes last)
Version 3.0.358
- keep show online when switching between shows that use the same project
- When looking for local media files also check the Video sub folder (in addition to Resources, Images, and Videos folders)
- support for weather tags: ^weather.pressuredirection, ^weather.dewpoint, ^weather.airquality, ^weather.visibility, ^weather.wind.directiondegree
- make the default scene director OR the Transition Logic IN scene director dictate when the scene is finished (whichever one finishes last)
Version 3.0.357
fix missing ^alert.type tag data
Version 3.0.356
chameleon api GetOnlineStatus fixes after doing setonline or update the same scene using different asset names
Version 3.0.354
- when using read \ remove metadata don't populate tag indexes greater than the read metadata value
Version 3.0.353
Scores : added support for the tag ^score.league.hometeamfirst - an object visibility tag based on the leagues home team first setting state. object is visible if TRUE
Version 3.0.352
- Query : use the valueType field in the rundown_query_params table for queries with parameters when using Flow or later
Version 3.0.351
- fix GetOnlineStatus call via chameleon api on XPression when one asset bug replaces another bug on the same layer the old asset was still reporting as being online
Version 3.0.350
- improve GetCountCommand for queries as it was failing when trying to get the count from some queries
Version 3.0.349
- Support for playing query rundown items with parameters when using Flow or later.
Version 3.0.348
- check the XPression object metadata for an optional tag attribute that defines the Chameleon tag to map to instead of only relying on the object name
Version 3.0.347
- fix cpu spike after processing a chameleon.api message
- use 8.0.33
Version 3.0.346
- protect against multiple instances trying to load the same project at the exact same time
Version 3.0.345
- fix ^score.start tag data not being set (introduced in 3.0.342)
Version 3.0.344
- use .net framework 4.8
- fix error when bad database name is assigned
- fix GetMediaFile error message shown in log when image tag data is empty
Version 3.0.342
- fix error with online resume playback
Version 3.0.341
- Use XPression SetVolatileTexture API when updating quad images instead of updating the materials
Version 3.0.340
- make a show change immediate when changing shows when the old show and new show both use the same project
- update commands received via chameleon.api will Not put the scene online if it wasn't already online
- update some error logging
Version 3.0.338
- use Chameleon.Api 1.0.12
- support version of Chameleon.Api GetThumbnail that takes width, height, and letterbox parameters
Increase MaxBufferSize and MaxReceivedMessageSize for the Chameleon.API Service
Version 3.0.337
- add additional error logging and debug messages
- support for recurring events
- update Telerik controls to 2022.3.1109.45
Version 3.0.336
- handle a media item url value being a file path instead of a url
Version 3.0.335
- support for color dynamic tag type
Version 3.0.334
- support for dynamic score playlists
Version 3.0.329
- fix issue related to topic train (introduced in 326) when using query items
Version 3.0.327
- fix ^score.pregame groups not hiding when no longer in pregame (introduced in 326)
Version 3.0.326
- fix topic look ahead "train" to only return topics that have content e.g.: ( ^topic[1], ^topic[2], ^topic[3], etc. )
Version 3.0.325
- support ^ for topics that support media (e.g.: leagues)
Version 3.0.324
- if score start time after today apply default format to show the day, and date when greater than a week, in addition to the time
- for score.start and score.status tag when showing game start time, using a format will allow for multiple custom formats to be specified to use for games that are today and future games using a semicolon as a separator. See Sports Tags documentation for more details.
- event playlists use calendar broadcast name for the ^event.calendar tag
Version 3.0.322
- fix changing the ticker players current show via Flow remote control
- using 8.0.29
Version 3.0.321
- fix using shuffle with sponsor spots
- when writing sponsor to asrun include the sponsor name as houseId\name in the asrun table
Version 3.0.320
- If data is a color value (e.g.: ^ and tag is quad then apply the color to quad
Version 3.0.316
- fix issue with crawl ^firstitem, ^lastitem scenes being inserted with every item instead of just with the first \ last items in the topic (was introduced in 3.0.275)
- fix chameleon.api offline call not animating
Version 3.0.315
- resume will now continue on with the next item in the current topic instead of moving to the next topic.
- chameleon.api support for Ticker Player
Version 3.0.311
- scheduler related fixes
Version 3.0.309
- Add support for closing group (topic) dynamic tags (requires Flow or greater)
Version 3.0.308
- Add support for sponsor dynamic tag type (requires Flow or greater for Sponsor dynamic tag type support)
Version 3.0.306
- fix a possible issue when running multiple query zones at the same time
- don't set number type dynamic tags that are blank\empty in Flow to 0's, leave them empty instead
- add an additional parameters field to the Flow database settings
Version 3.0.305
- scores : order score items to match flow order
- scores : add ^ tag (contains same data as the current ^score.league.type tag)
- add settings 'Use Database Time for Item On-Air', 'Use Database Time for Item Expiry' to control if the player should use it's local time or the database time when checking for item On-Air and Item Expiry times. Useful if the player system clock is using a different time zone from the database server
Version 3.0.304
fix error when checking for font style tags or applying font style tags if the tag data value was null
Version 3.0.303
- fix GetRundown query error introduced in ver 301
- add support for a maxlinecount metadata attribute for more control over textbox paging control
- fix when using flow text styles on text that contains commas or apostrophes
Version 3.0.301
- add support for tags ^displayindex, ^displayindextotal that will return the current display index value and the display index total when using the Display setting in a rundown.
- support for show based tags: ^, ^
- add setting 'Use Branding Channel Time Adjust' (default to false). Will control if the time adjust should be applied to start times if using a channel that is also linked to a branding player that has a time adjust assigned.
- traffic playlists : don't include items that are not enabled to air
Version 3.0.300
- fix for dynamic tag strings like "(11)" displaying incorrectly
Version 3.0.297
- fix for rundown limit sometimes not working initially after creating a new player instance
Version 3.0.293
- fix race condition which could occasionally update the outgoing scene with the next scenes data
- fix for text box property not updating when focus is lost by clicking on another instance tab
Version 3.0.292
- add additional error logging around some XPression api calls
- fix polls query
Version 3.0.290
- add ability to resume rundown on next topic when going back online
- use image buttons for online restart, online resume, offline, clear buttons
- use unique material names for each instance to avoid issues when playing shows on multiple instances that use the same scene
- order channel and show drop down items by content group then by name
- add support for the Polls data type
Version 3.0.288
Web Player
- fix issues related to first/last item and first/last page, especially for animation conditions
- with designer 2.1.4 or later projects, load local fonts from project folder
- show the content group in the channel and show name dropdowns (e.g.: Global:BLTV)
- don't list or play a show if it is marked as disabled in Flow
Version 3.0.285
- fix sponsor to only write asrun record if sponsor is assigned to a campaign
- when writing asrun check if start and end times passed in are utc and convert to local time if needed
Version 3.0.282
- disable the installer launch condition for "run only if active internet condition found"
Version 3.0.281
- adds some additional debug level log messages
Version 3.0.278
- add setting 'Restore Playback On Framebuffer Clear' to restore playback if the XPression framebuffer is cleared outside of Ticker Player when Ticker Player was online
Version 3.0.276
- add ^score.gamestate tag to return the pure game state (e.g.: Pregame, In-Progress, Final, Delayed, Postponed, etc.)
- fix ^score.status not returning anything outside of pregame
Version 3.0.274
- fix error launching when using older versions of the database (before Flow that don't yet have the revision column in project table
- add missing weather tag: ^weather.text for current or ^weather.<detailTypeCode>.text e.g.: ^weather.day1.text, ^weather.part1.text
- add version to title bar
Version 3.0.271
- format improvements for numbers as string
Version 3.0.270
- select None as the current show when scheduler is enabled and no show is currently scheduled
- show icon in scheduler tab when scheduler is enabled
Version 3.0.269
- show the project path name in brackets beside the published project name
- fix error when creating a new instance that could cause the channel and show drop downs to be unpopulated.
- support for channel dynamic tags e.g.: ^channel.tagname
Version 3.0.266
- Elections: fix for no results if there were no offices used for the contest
- Elections: when zero votes also order choices by the incumbent
Version 3.0.265
Elections : use party order in the ordering of choices to specify correct order when there are 0 results
Elections : fix for no results if the election type wasn't set for the event
Version 3.0.263
fix league topic dynamic tag error (introduced in 3.0.261)
Version 3.0.262
don't reset the selected channel or show if db connection goes down
- show error icon in tab when the server isn't running
clone settings from the last instance when adding new instance
create a unique endpoint name when adding new instance
- use a RadWindow.Alert control instead of standard message box to show any Flow Url connection errors encountered after pressing Apply in the Flow Tab
- after pressing Apply in Flow Tab revert back to previous Flow Url on error, if there was one set
fix sponsor spot as run logging
- log message cleanup
Version 3.0.261
support for topic dynamic tags for topics that have dynamic tag support (alert, story, custom) ( e.g.: ^topic.dynamictagname )
Version 3.0.260
add a timecode clock control to the ui that will show the current clock time for the instance
use the players assigned channels' time adjust value, if one has been set for a channel, and apply it to the instance timecode clock display, scheduler, sponsor spot schedules, and score, event, story, alert start times
use RadWindow.Confirm dialog instead of a MessageBox when confirming a shutdown or delete instance operation
stop the instances' data server when removing an instance
Version 3.0.259
- Read\Remove related fix for removing too many items when total number of records is less than the Remove metadata value
- pressing the Online button immediately after pressing 'Change Show' could show the previous show briefly
Version 3.0.258
- fix media dynamic tags handling of a null value column data
Version 3.0.257
- fix for sometimes reverting back to previous show soon after a show change
Version 3.0.256
- fix paging when using array tags
Version 3.0.253
- support for sponsors spots (requires Flow or later)
Web Player
- cleanup chameleon.api thumbnail image code - avoid file write \ read and fix leaked Image
- remove an unnecessary frequent info log message that was added in version 3.0.252
Ticker Player
- fix using rundown Display count when Display count > the rundown item total records
Version 3.0.251
- fix online triggers sometimes taking an unusually long time for a show to go online
- fix weather playlist rundown shuffle
- Update GPI controls in Automation tab to use dropdowns for GPI Board and GPI showing 1 based index values (backwards compatible with previous configurations)
Version 3.0.250
- Add ability to trigger a command on the High or Low state of a GPI
- protect against unauthorized access errors if encountered when enumerating folders inside the project folder
Version 3.0.248
- fix paging not working in zones that had backgrounds
only allow the automation tcp or serial port settings to be changed when Enabled is unchecked
Version 3.0.246
- fix for dashes in dynamic tag names not working
- fix traffic query error
- fix child scene not being added to crawl if its name didn't start with a ^ (introduced in version 3.0.242)
Version 3.0.244
- move the 'Use System Tray' setting to the File menu
- fix weather media dynamic tag not working (was introduced in version 3.0.239)
Version 3.0.242
- only apply content to child scene if the scene supports the content
Version 3.0.241
- improved GetCountCommand for query handler to work better for all queries
Version 3.0.239
- fix a blocking issue checking the schedule status when scheduler is enabled that can cause interference with graphic rendering
Version 3.0.238
- fix weather playlist ordering when 'custom order' is unchecked
Version 3.0.237
- rundown limit support for elections
- stop using SQL commands SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS and SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as they are deprecated as of MySQL 8.0
- only try to start the remotecontrol service if the Remote Control setting is enabled
Version 3.0.236
- Fix score playlist error caused by the case sensitivity of SQL column aliases when using a database on an AWS RDS server
- Fix an unhandled exception if multiple automation commands have the same command text assigned
Version 3.0.235
- Add support for the Media data type
- When changing scenes in a zone, if the next scene uses the same layer as previous scene let transition logic handle taking the previous scene offline
Version 3.0.234
- fix for getting team image from flow if it wasn't found in the project \images\leagues\ folder
- fix getting content groups from global users
Version 3.0.233
- fix for starting in system tray on launch when 'Use System Tray' is unchecked
- fix ^ tag not being set
- stop automation on shutdown of player
- fix crash if automation tcp server fails to start
Version 3.0.232
- add 'Use System Tray' setting to control if the player should hide in the system tray or not when closed
- remove the taskbar notification messages when starting app and moving to system tray
- ability for the player to recover if Flow or the MySQL db isn't available when player starts up.
Version 3.0.230
- Fix a bug with database credentials in the Flow Settings dialog getting reset
Version 3.0.229
- fix automation socket error when running in server mode
- fix error loading rundown if using a Flow server older than (introduced in version 3.0.227)
Version 3.0.227
- add Database User and Password fields to the Flow tab
Version 3.0.222
- fix a long term memory leak
- add XPression>Show Gui menu option for the ability to show the XPression UI when the player is launched before XPression Studio
Version 3.0.219
- add File>Shutdown menu item that will shutdown the player
- add ^score.status tag (same as ^score.state) to match the field name in the Flow user interface
Version 3.0.218
don't make unnecessary calls into the Flow url to get database connection settings (now only if apply is pressed in the Flow tab or on launch)
- add File>Close menu item that will close the application window to taskbar
Version 3.0.217
fix closings ^topic tag returning the institution type instead of the closing group broadcast name or playlist name
Version 3.0.216
fix possible race condition if content list is updated at the same time the content is being applied
Version 3.0.215
Read\Remove Data Fixes
Add setting in Log tab to remove logs older than X days
fix for off air events in still being displayed when in event playlists
Version 3.0.212
Allow DateTime format strings to be applied to weather sunset and sunrise tags
Version 3.0.210
fix a crawl related error if 'Enable Looping' was checked on the Scene Group. Will force Looping = false on the screen group since we are doing the update manually.
Version 3.0.209
fix automation command parsing error causing some automation commands to fire unexpectedly
- no longer need to restart the Player after editing the automation command text for the new command to take effect
Version 3.0.208
add a delay when launched on system startup to give time for the XPression Blue Box service to start
show warning in status bar if the XPression version doesn't match what we expect
- fix weather playlist error when using the same city multiple times in the same playlist
- organize the Server Port and Endpoint settings under the Server group instead of the Advanced group
improve db status messages in Flow Tab
fix remote control settings not saving in Player table when changed
fix remote control response error when no Channel is assigned
allow None to be selected for no Show
Version 3.0.207
add support for Flow remote control
Version 3.0.206
log any errors that may occur when connecting to the Flow Url
Version 3.0.205
fix text paging when using multi style text
Version 3.0.204
add main menu bar
remove triangle image on Instance tabs
remove -+ buttons and replace with File->Add Instance\Delete Instance menu options
add check for updates support
remove the Social Media Expiry setting from player preferences
Version 3.0.203
support Flow story text style formatting in Ticker Player
Version 3.0.200
add support for ^query[x].index tag that will return the row index of the query record
Version 3.0.199
don't show deleted channels in the player channel list
Version 3.0.197
- Fix the resetting of the selected Show and Channel if the player fails to connect to the flow URL and the connection is later restored
Version 3.0.195
add tags ^twitter.hasmedia, ^twitter.account.hasmedia
Version 3.0.194
Fix issue updating array style tags when the index is greater than 9. (e.g.: ^custom[12].post )
Version 3.0.193
Fix twitter topic error introduced in build 3.0.188
Version 3.0.191
use the league code as the topic name
Version 3.0.190
fix traffic camera urls
Version 3.0.189
add support for election events in a rundown
add support for ^choice[x].acclaimed tag for elections
Version 3.0.188
add support for ^Topic[x] tags to allow for train of upcoming topics to be shown
Version 3.0.186
add support for ^ \ ^ tags which will return the days date
Version 3.0.184
add support for event media
Version 3.0.183
Fix election playlists
- Fix election contest failing if a candidate has no party
Version 3.0.182
Fix election playlists
Support for ^story.summary and ^story.story tags
Version 3.0.181
Fix sponsor dynamic tags
Version 3.0.180
Fix media error with story media introduced in previous build
Use the Calendar BroadcastName for the Event Topic
Version 3.0.179
add support for the Sponsor data type
Version 3.0.177
add support for changing shows via automation with the addition of a <show:#> automation command (e.g.: <show:morning>).
- fix weather media dynamic field error for day and night conditions
- check if project directory exists before attempting to enumerate files to prevent an exception
Version 3.0.176
fix for some url images not playing (encode the url parameter when building the internal urlmedia endpoint url)
Version 3.0.175
fix for rundown Display Count not playing where it left off when the rundown starts over again
- fix applying of log level settings on startup
Version 3.0.173
Requires Flow version Version or greater
support for weather media dynamic tags
support for logo paths in custom data type tags (e.g.: leagues/nhl/tor.png)
Version 3.0.172
fix for alerts not playing
Version 3.0.171
fix for dynamic tag names that contain spaces
Version 3.0.170
Fix Election schema error
Rename Election ^choice.contest.xxxx tag names to ^choice.event.xxxx
Version 3.0.169
Support for using text style tags when paging text (requires XPression 7.0 3836)
Version 3.0.167
- Fixed issues where player was temperamental when the database was not available.
Version 3.0.166
- Fixed error saving settings xml file if settings directory doesn't exist
Version 3.0.145
- Fixed inability to toggle off various log level messages in the Log tab
Version 3.0.143
- Fixed issue where Channels and Shows would not refresh on changing the flow settings
- Updated Newtonsoft.Json version to 10.0.3
Version 3.0.142
- Updated icons for Web Player and NDI
- Changed Database Config Page to Flow Config Page and updated icon
- Only show channels and shows in the player to flow users who have permission to access them
- Added ability to support the Custom data type (when it is added to the rundown)
Version 3.0.137
- re-brand the Chameleon Pro and Tick-It players as a single player named Ticker Player
- fix Display Count when set in rundown
- fix manual show change not always working
- if sports logos aren't found on disk use the logo in the flow database if available
Version 3.0.136
- enable the scheduler tab in Tick-it
Version 3.0.132
fix for not showing all data for some Topics when scenes used in the same zone have different metadata settings for read\remove
Version 3.0.131
Fixed bug where limit behaviour was being injected into limits of sub-queries when it shouldn't be. custom limit behaviour should only be injected into top-level queries
Version 3.0.129
- Added ^topic tag support for Query
Version 3.0.128
- Fixed issue where zones would get stuck on Query topics and not move to the next one
- Added max items support with Queries
Version 3.0.127
- Fixed images as byte arrays for Query
Version 3.0.126
- Added support for displaying media from a Query object (URL, byte array, or local path)
- Fixed background display when changing to a new show that uses the same project as previous show but has a different set of backgrounds
Version 3.0.125
- Added query support