Finance Player Authentication

Finance Player Authentication


The Yahoo Finance app requires authentication to access the data it uses. To do so it uses an OAuth 2.0 process that involves a number of steps. Documentation for the Yahoo OAuth 2.0 is available here: https://developer.yahoo.com/oauth2/guide/

Consumer Key and Secret

These should only need to be entered once correctly and applied. However if for some reason they were regenerated or changed then each installed instance would need to have these updated with the new values.

When copying the values for these be sure to copy the whole string that can contain letter, numbers, hypens etc.

Once you apply these values you should be automatically taken to the next step of providing user authentication.

User Authentication

After the key and secret are applied you need to provide a Yahoo! login to grant access to the data. If you just applied the key and secret the application will automatically initiate the request process.

The app will open your default browser with a link that will prompt you to sign in to your Yahoo account and provide approval for the app to access the Yahoo Finance data.

Once you approve it - you will be given a code.

 You must copy this code into the app in the provided text box and press the Go button.

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