Yahoo Finance Player Release Notes
Yahoo Finance Player Release Notes
Changes to the application in each version are noted here.
Version 5.9.4555
February 28, 2019
- Client: Improve error handling and reporting of occasional bad data.
- Client: if requesting data for today and today isn't open yet - step back to tomorrow and start there instead.
- Applies to Intraday and 2 Day charts
Version 5.8.4555
January 7, 2019
- Server: enable a no change material/image to be used instead of defaulting to the arrow_up change when the value change is zero.
- Client: display YTD instead of Year to Date in chart previews.
- Client: Enable the Preferences window to scroll and improve layout.
- Client: Add a left and right border thickness option in the Preferences window.
Version 5.7.4555
January 4, 2019
- Client: Add font family and weight selection options for the chart labels in the Preferences window.
- Client: Add a chart plot area background color selection option in the Preferences window.
- Client: Fix bug with double charts not generating correctly intermittently.
- Client: Improve ability to regenerate charts correctly.
- Client: Enable the intraday values displayed in the chart header to auto-update just before the chart is displayed.
Version 5.6.4555
January 2, 2019
- Server: Use XPression build 4555.
- Server: improve response message when XPression project fails to load/init.
- Client: rearrange the UI since some components removed in previous build.
- Client: Popup Preview
- tweak layout
- enable using the Esc key to close the popup preview window.
- Client: auto-select the first item in the list when searching for stock symbols.
Version 5.5.4534
December 28, 2018
- Server: use Transition Logic based layouts - provides greater flexibility in designing XPression scenes and animations without requiring application code changes.
- Server: add a Show XPression UI checkbox - when checked causes the XPression UI to show or hide.
- Remove Bumper and Custom scenes support.
- Remove Names and Lower Thirds support.
- Client: use UPPER case for symbol search field.
- Client: add new preference to set the color of the chart labels separate from the chart grid lines.
Version 5.3.4534
October 23, 2018
- Use XPression build 4534.
Version 5.2.3825
September 21, 2018
- Catch and record some details about autocomplete/search api request errors.
Version 5.1.3825
August 31, 2018
- Capture invalid access tokens and attempt to auto-refresh for more uninterrupted use.
Version 5.0.3825
August 30, 2018
- Use new v6/v7 version of the Yahoo Finance data API
- json data format
- Use OAuth2 implementation for app authentication
- Redirect user to external browser for Yahoo sign-in and authentication
- Chart Preview window - allow selecting the background picture in the preferences window.
- Display the actual start/end date values of retrieved data in the client UI after chart generated above the requested date fields.
- Remove the back-date feature that seems to be no longer necessary
- Now only the Intraday (1d) day data request requires/uses the append current value option
KNOWN ISSUE: fails to auto-refresh the token. However a manual refresh allows the app to continue operating. Resolved in the next build.
Previous versions no longer supported - they rely on a data API that is no longer available.
Version 4.8.3825
January 5, 2018
- Rebuild to use XPression 7.0.3825
Version 4.8.3318
August 14, 2015
- Rebuild to use XPression 6.0.3318
Version 4.7.3064
- Rebuild to use XPression 5.7.3064
Version 4.5.2550
Add support to append the current value to the YTD chart if not present already
- Can be enabled/disabled via a preference setting
Additional updates to chart generation
Change authentication process to not prompt for the authorization code when it fails to auto-find it.
Instead have an open box to allow user to enter it at need.
Version 4.3.2550
- Fix error encountered on chart creation.
Version 4.2.2550
- Introduce an option to disable secure connections for network instances where this is necessary to allow client and server to connect.
- Note both client and server must either enable or disable the secure connection setting.
- Improve the YTD handling for the first few days of the year.
- Fix layout on chart preview window.
Version 4.0.2550
- Client-Server support
- Choose to install either the client or the server components
- Both can be installed and run on the same machine if desired
- Fix the authorization process to allow the user to enter the auth code when it cannot be found automatically.
Version 3.8.2550
- Fix the authorization process to allow the user to enter the auth code when it cannot be found automatically.
Version 3.7.2550
- Introduced the custom time frame.
Version 3.6.2550
- Introduce the Max time frame
- Enhance the chart's ability to handle data less then requested
- Eg. if requesting 1 year data but only 3 weeks exists - treat it as 1 month instead to get appropriate labeling
- Improve YTD range handling
Version 3.5.2550
- Introduce chart preview window
- improve intraday chart labeling
- enhanced logging
Version 3.3.2550
- New UI that only generates a new chart when you press the button
- Include intraday chart labeling improvements
- Hide timeframe change for intraday charts in XP scene
Version 3.2.2550
- Improve handling when the charts are changed quickly
- Add 1 and 2 day un-padded options
Version 3.1.2550
- Support for YTD with padded and no padded (no dead space) options
- note the no padded ytd option will require additional development to be fully supported
Version 3.0.2550
- DIsplay intraday change in price and % with arrow and color
- Backdate the results to the same day of the month where possible (enabled and disabled via the BackDate feature in Preferences.)
- Return start dates in the tooltips
Version 2.9.2550
- Changes to refresh all chart details and not just the chart image when refreshing the chart.
Version 2.8.2550.0
- Recompile to support XPression build 5.11 2550
Version 2.7.2312.5
- Try to improve how it handles having other open projects in the XPression engine.
Version 2.6.2312.4
- Handle missing bumpers folder by providing a warning instead of not running
- Improve handling of missing scenes
Version 2.5.2312.3
- Updated to support the XPression v5.0 2312 build.
Version 2.5.2104.2
Chart Creation
- Add additional configuration option to limit which time frames use the back date feature.
- Save backdate preferences for next launch.
Version 2.4.2104.1
Chart Creation
- Enabled a work around to add an extra day of data to the 1 month, 3 month, 6 month and 2 year timelines to attempt to match the logic in the Yahoo website as requested.
- The extra day of data is enabled or disabled by a preference setting - Back Date - in the Other Options section of the Preferences window.
Chart Updates
- Add a button to refresh the current previewed chart.
- Add a button to refresh each chart in the saved chart list.
- Add a button to refresh each chart in the full scree playlist.
Deleting From Lists
- Enabled an option to delete the selected item from list by pressing the delete key.
Version 2.2.2104.0
Names List
- Enable editing existing names in the list.
- Double-click on the name
- Press F2 when the focus is already on the names list.
- Enable adding new names to the list
- Press the + button in the names list header
- Press CTRL + when the focus is already on the names list.
Lower Thirds List
- Enable editing existing lower thirds in the list.
- Double-click on the text
- Press F2 when the focus is already on the lower thirds list.
- Enable adding new lower thirds to the list
- Press the + button in the lower third list header
- Press CTRL + when the focus is already on the lower thirds list.
Version 2.1.2104.0
Chart Creation
- Revert to using the last data value from the time-frame as the current value when calculating the deltas. This will better match the behavior seen in the Yahoo Finance website.
- Add a tool-tip to the delta preview values to show the first and last values used in calculating the deltas.
Version 1.9.2104.0
Chart Creation
- Use the daily current value in calculating the deltas for all time frames (instead of using the last value in time frame data set)
- Changes to the [Add Blank] button to always add the blank item to the end of the list.
Custom Scenes
- A small tweak to the playout of custom scenes to try to address the reported camera flash when changing between custom scenes.
- Enabled the use of the MediaPlayPause button or the Pause button to pause/play the current online custom scene.
Version 1.8.2104.0
- Enable charts to be added to playlist
- Create disabled version of playlist buttons
Banners (L3rds and Names)
- Reset name and L3rd ids when reloading file
- Add better support for ANSI files - use system default encoding to read them
- Clear log files and other temporary chart images and data after 30 days
- new layout style for headers - use borders not groupboxes
- new Keyboard navigation options - F keys
Version 1.7.2104.0
Chart Creation
- Fix race condition with setting stock data
- Don't reload chart if it is a comparison and second stock not yet selected.
- Apply the selected legend colors after preferences saved.
- Start introducing playlists
- Re-arrange the layout
- Draft of full-screen scenes available
Version 1.6.2104.0
Chart Creation
- The current price is displayed as the current stock price (instead of the last price displayed in the graph)
- 5-day chart generation has been improved and should display the correct times on the bottom axis
- Improve the left hand axis labeling
- Don’t show a label at the very top of the graph
- Use fewer labels
- Try to generate rounder values
- Avoid showing decimals when not needed
Version 1.5.2104.0
Chart Creation
- Improved the overall chart generation implementation
- Display the legend colors in the preview
- Add font size control
- Add line thickness control
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