Elections Readers

Elections Readers

The list of available Chameleon Readers is ever expanding. All readers are free. If you require a new reader, you can either write it yourself or contract Bannister Lake to write it. The latest builds of the readers are available at: http://bannisterlake.com/dl/installs/Chameleon/_agents/

NameData TypeProviderWebsiteFeed Description
AP Elections ReaderElectionAP Newsap.orgAP Elections results
Consortium ReaderElectionConsortium
Canadian Consortium elections feed
CP Elections ReaderElectionCPthecanadianpress.comCanadian Press elections datafeed
DDHQ ReaderElectionDDHQdecisiondeskhq.comUS elections
Dominion Elections ReaderElectionDominion Votingwww.dominionvoting.comDominion Voting's elections datafeed