Chameleon/Flow Release Notes


Various versions of Chameleon will require specific versions of the Chameleon player to be installed with a Chameleon update. Please look for the requirements associated with version between your current version and your target update version.


We recommend using the latest version of MySQL 8.0. Please contact us for more details on updating your systems: MySQL 5.6 and 5.7 is limited legacy support only.


As of January 11, 2024 (version and greater) will require the .Net Framework version 4.8 to be installed as a prerequisite.


  • Branding Players - enable more than 1 branding player to be assigned to a channel.

  • Configuration - some installation situations require the httpcookies.settings.config file to be non-blank.

  • Custom - Dynamic Fields - fix reserved key list for custom and custom topics.

  • Various minor bug fixes.


  • Assets

    • Add an option to choose whether the Bugs are automatically refreshed or not.

      • Requires Branding Player

    • Enable filtering the Logo list in the Explicit Fields editor.

    • Add tooltip help to describe the difference between a Bug and a Snipe

    • Add support for identifying which Assets have explicit fields that are missing values (i.e. are blank)

    • Prevent users from creating assets with the same House ID within a Content Group.

    • Fix - when using logo fields if the selected logo was removed from the available list, the logo field would display as a URL field instead. Now it will be a blank Logo field.

  • Financials - security fix - master control user group should not be able to use the Edit All feature.

  • BLADE - Add support for specifying a House ID or Name when requesting Assets.

    • use parameter &name=MyAsset or &houseId=MyAsset


  • Enable using the site in an iframe where cross-site cookies are disallowed by default.

  • Passwords: remove password length limitation on textbox to allow passwords of at least 64 chars.

  • Various minor bug fixes


  • Closings - prevent My Closings users from accessing other parts of Flow.

  • BLADE Election Players - Added support for acquiring Choice tags, added reading of tag MediaIDs and also refactored some tag generating code.

  • BLADE Election Players - Changed the Getcandidate endpoint to use ChoiceID instead of CandidateID since a candidate can be reused but a choice is more unique.

  • Various minor bug fixes


  • Fix known issue from that prevented database updates during the install/update.


  • Elections

    • add support for Election Candidate dynamic fields

    • add support for Election Event dynamic fields

    • add support for Election Party dynamic fields

    • add support for Election Area dynamic fields

    • add support for Election Office dynamic fields

  • Closings - add a data source field to the Closing Groups


  • Media - enable support for SVG images - must use the extension svg

  • Programs - improve layouts and scroll bars

  • Sports Scores - fix for bug that caused the Scores module to return to the wrong league after editing game reports

  • Dashboard - add missing encoding of player status and theme in dashboard control

  • Various supporting package and security updates

  • KNOWN ISSUE: fails to apply any required database updates during the install. Resolved in


  • Score Playlists - fix playlist retrieval bug introduced in

  • BLADE - fix score playlist retrieval bug introduced in


  • BLADE - fix for Score Playlists not including dynamic fields

  • Rundowns - fix layout - the save button here was wrapping to a new line when we didn't want it to.

  • Ticker Players - update label to be consistent.

  • Installer - enable the serial key to be set by the installer from the command line.


  • Enable running the installer from the command line with options to configure many of the settings.

  • Fix for when a rundown set copy throws an error after first doing a show copy in the Rundown module.

  • Add startUtc and endUtc to the asrun table.


(currently available as a test build)

  • Themes - use the default (XPression Chameleon) theme instead of Tick-it or Superticker.


    • add Endpoint, API Enabled, API Port fields to output for Player records.

    • include the ID in the weather forecast data


  • Player module - add support for player Endpoint, API Enabled, API Port fields.

  • General - assign a larger default width to the Content Group dropdown.

  • Weather - update the weather table to make it cluster compatible.


  • BLADE - add IP Address and Last Report to the ticker player BLADE data.

  • BLADE - add support for filtering content group list from BLADE by user login.


  • Sports - fix glitch in scores ordering with drag-n-drop.


  • BLADE - Elections - fix for the choice format output not including the newer ContestType field.

  • BLADE - Elections Player - add support for contest tags, contest notes, area notes and office notes

  • Closings - Add support for a Edit All form to quickly edit multiple entries.

  • Finance - Add support for a Edit All form to quickly edit multiple entries.


  • Sports - fix for when manually adding a league fails - the new league form displays an error and will not save a new league.

  • Sports - enable new leagues to be assigned a Shared Team League when they are added/created.


  • Elections - add support for Election Contest Dynamic fields.

  • Sports - Shared Teams Leagues - allow Global content group Shared Teams Leagues to be accessed from non-Global content group leagues.

  • Database

    • add table elc_contest_tag


  • Closings - add support for some address fields in the Closings module

    • Address Line 1

    • Address Line 2

    • City

    • Province/State

    • Postal Code/Zipcode

    • Country

  • User Imports - enable importing the closing institution address and improve general import logic.

  • BLADE - Elections - add election ContestType field to BLADE output for CSV.

  • Database - add fields

    • closing_institution

      • address1

      • address2

      • city

      • province

      • postalCode

      • country


  • BLADE - Elections - only increment the position number for Election blade output if the candidate/choice is not ignored.

  • Elections - add a button option in the Election Results popup to either save and stay open or save and close.

    • Added a System Preference setting to control the default behavior or the save button

      • Election Results > Close After Saving By Default

  • Elections - auto scroll the selected contest to the top of the results grid when editing.

  • Shows - remove the time zone offset UI from Flow - it's not used by players or BLADE.

  • Sports: Added support for Shared Teams Leagues

    • a League can be marked as a Shared Teams Source and other Leagues can optionally use the Teams from a Shared Teams League.

    • BLADE changed to show if a League is a Shared Teams Source and also the Shared Teams League info if it uses one.

    • League Editor has UIs to set whether a League is a Shared Teams Source or not and if not, which Shared Teams Source League's teams to use (if desired).

    • Scores Editor for individual Scores uses drop-down-trees to show lists of available Teams from the Score's League and also the Shared Team League associated with it (if any).

    • Dynamic Scores Playlist - added support for use of Shared Teams Leagues.

    • Known issue: manually adding a league fails - the new league form displays an error and will not save a new league. (fixed in build

  • Scores Playlist - Added 'Source' & 'Last Update' columns to both the Score & Playlist grids. In the Score grid, these columns are sortable but not in the Playlist grid.

  • Scores - modified League drop-down to allow searching for league via text entry.

  • Scores - changed League drop-down template to also show the name of the league for each item. Selected league also shows the league's name in a tooltip.

  • Score Playlists

    • modified League drop-down to allow searching for league via text entry.

    • changed League drop-down template to also show the name of the league for each item. Selected league also shows the league's name in a tooltip.

    • modified behaviour of League drop-down to retain selected League if it is one that is created in the Global content group.

    • modified behaviour of Playlists drop-down and grid to clear if switching content groups.

  • Leagues - improve image centering layout.


  • Media - remember the filtering values when refreshing or navigating in the grid.

  • Media - fix the filtering error encountered when configured with some datetime display formats.

  • Rich Text Styles - fix for bug that didn't allow editing of styles that were not assigned to scores or stories in the Global content group.

  • Rich Text Styles - improve error message content to be more accurate and helpful.


  • Dynamic Fields - enable dynamic tags to display in their predefined groups in the viewer control.

  • Events - fix for events not being successfully generated into the player event schedule when an on-air start time isn't given.

  • Media - improve media grid last modified date filtering.

  • Media - display media last modified times in the user selected time zone.

  • My Password - add password strength support and requirements to the My Password form - only allow strength values between 2 and 4 (not 0 or 1) and update known password check to v3.

  • Weather - add expand/collapse buttons for the Weather dynamic field tags.


  • BLADE - fix for handling null/missing contest type values in the Election XML. It would cause an error that would either truncate the results or show a 500 internal server error message.


  • Shows - Fix for Shows not saving changes to unchecked bug and background selections.


  • Sponsors - Add BLADE UI support for spot sponsors.


  • Elections

    • Add election contest type field - to distinguish contests in the same area and office.

    • Fix for ignored candidate highlighting in multi-edit mode of Quick Candidate Edit.

    • Fix for the incumbent toggle button not working in the Quick Edit Candidates form

    • Fix for the acclaim toggle button not working in the Quick Edit Candidates form.

  • Database - add field elc_contest.typeName


  • Elections

    • Rehearsals - Added office names (if available) to the Rehearsal contest names.

    • Events - Fix for Choice tooltips not showing any more once a sub-contest is shown.


  • Rundowns

    • Fix for rundowns not being able to be created for new shows.

    • Don't allow shows to be added or updated with blank names.

    • Don’t allow shows to be selected that don’t have a project assigned yet.

  • Elections - remove choices from any secondary (child) contests when removing a choice from a contest.


  • Elections - use slanted gray lines in the background to identify ignored candidates.

  • Shows - update the Show management module

    • Filter shows by format (Web or XPression)

    • Only web formats show a revision and a Show Code

    • The Show Code now is based on the Show ID

    • Removed the unused Startup Layout field and Lite Switch toggle

    • Display the bug and background scenes separately so they don’t need to be prefixed by their type

    • The Show Code and Disabled toggle are no longer shown on the Add New Show form.

  • Client Sponsor

    • Added new security group 'Client Sponsors Upload Only' for use with Client Sponsors feature.

    • Prevent users with Client Sponsors feature from being shown the dashboard after login instead of the Client Sponsor Upload page.

    • Add User/User Management pages: add custom validators to ensure that when the Client Sponsor feature is selected, the security group must also be set to 'Client Sponsors Upload Only'.

    • Sponsor Client Upload page - added automatic keywords for Zone & Campaign for media that is associated with a sponsor (to aid in searching for media assets).

    • Sponsor Client Zones - allow selection of multiple show/real zones when creating client zones so as to allow creating multiple client zones at one time.

  • Media

    • Fixed bug caused by attempting to delete too many Media items in a Media Bin.

    • Added showing of loading panel while deleting lots of media items from the DB.

    • Added 'Delete All Unused' button to delete only media items that have no usages.

    • For a user with System Administrator rights, a '[None]' pseudo-bin will be shown in the treeview to allow managing of media items that don't belong in any bin. If there are none such media, the pseudo-bin will not appear.

    • Changed the text colour for the content group node in the treeview of bins to further indicate that this isn't a bin.

  • BLADE - Election Player

    • Added support for choice.ignore flag.

    • Added missing support for playlistitemchoices API.


  • Traffic - sort Traffic Type list by name.

  • BLADE - fix for parameter for Events limit not being applied correctly.

  • BLADE - fix for blade election event not enabling sub-contest selection.

  • Elections - Ignore selected Election Choices - with the option to cascade the value to child contests when saving.

  • Election Rehearsals - enable the rehearsal grid filtering to be case-insensitive.

  • Dynamic Fields - avoid error when loading a sponsor’s dynamic field value which references a missing media record.

  • Database

    • Add field elc_choice.ignore


  • BLADE - Story - avoid an error when trying to access story topics that no longer exist.

  • BLADE - Media - add source and alpha fields.

  • Elections - display and filter on the Estimated Expected Vote Percentage (EEVP) or aka Contest Vote Percent values when available in the contests results.

  • Media - consolidate some of the external media download and image processing.


  • Scores - interpret the scores on-air time and expiry based on a specified time zone so they are fixed at the same time in all time zones.

    • For example if a score expires at 11:00 am in EST it also expires at 11:00 am in PST (even though that would be 2:00 pm EST).

  • BLADE - Scores

    • fix: the airs and expiry count in playlist results.

    • fix: apply the airs parameter instead of hardcoding returning only on-air items in score playlists.

  • Query - add a function for the LocalMediaUrl query placeholder to provide valid SQL when it's not yet auto-replaced.


  • Alerts - allow duplicate alert types across content groups.

  • Query - enable generation of Flow instance specific media URL addresses in the results

    • use the format LocalMediaUrl(mediaIdField) where mediaIdField is a table fieldname that is a media ID - Example team.LogoId

      • Example: SELECT LocalMediaUrl(vTeam.LogoId) VistorTeamLocalUrl FROM team vTeam …


  • Stories - revert to enabling the management of expired stories that have not yet be automatically removed from the system.

  • Query - enable detecting parameters used in functions like CONCAT(@text, ...)


  • Media - add option to enable it via the Features list in System Configuration instead of using System Preferences.

  • Blacklist Words - hide blacklist words if no social media features like twitter are enabled.


  • Media - fixed downloading media from Media modules (Media, Playlists & Export).


  • Content Groups - no longer allows duplicate content group names to be created.

  • Elections Rehearsal

    • Implemented lock outs for multiple instances of the Elections Rehearsal page from running the same scenario or scenarios that uses the same election event.

    • Implemented Election Rehearsal Sessions to track Rehearsal runs and lock out other browser instance access.

    • Changed the 'Start/Stop Simulation' button to have red font when started and reverting to black when stopped.

  • Closings - added a new page for managing the Closing Group containers.

  • Events - added a new page for managing the Event Calendar containers.

  • Financials - added a new page for managing the Financial Topic containers.

  • Traffic - added a new page for managing the Traffic Report containers.


  • Stories - fix for bug introduced in showing the incorrect story counts in topic list.

  • Scores - refresh the scores league list with changes to the grid and when adding scores.

  • Traffic - widen traffic drive time edit boxes.

  • Elections Rehearsal

    • Use new icons for Rehearsal, Rehearsal Setup and Generate Steps navigation tabs.

    • Removed the Elections Rehearsal option from the Features page - no longer required to enable it.

    • Added support for Summary Contest to be treated as a regular contest, ignored or used to track party lead counts.

    • Fixed the Run Rehearsal page selected scenario info to show the Summary Contest Type.

    • Changed Generate Steps votes distribution for 'Close' and 'Tight' so that the leads between the top 2 choices change positions at least a couple of times.


  • Use .Net Framework 4.8


  • Rundowns - fix for not being able to assign content to rundown topics that had been renamed.

  • Scores - only count non-expired scores in the drop down league lists.

  • Stories - only include the non-expired stories in the list and topic lists.

    • Known Issue: counts in the topic list include future expiring items from other topics in the same content group. (Fixed in


  • Elections - Rundowns

    • In choice scenes - display the contest's office and area after the choice’s name and party.

    • Available choices now display an additional tree level with contests when the same choice is available in multiple contests in an event.

    • Enable child contests to display in the election rundown select lists in hierarchical form.

    • Enable clicking on the available rundown scene and choices tree-view items to toggle the tree node open/closed.

  • Elections - rearrange the navigation tabs to show just one Rehearsal tab on the main Elections group and show the Rehearsal Setup in a secondary Rehearsal group.

  • Elections - Rehearsal - fix so that the new module will be able to be activated when installed over relatively recent installs.


  • Assets - Fixed a bug that causes an exception when attempting to save an asset that uses a query that has no parameters.

  • Elections - added Rehearsal Setup and Run Rehearsal modules.


  • Rundowns - Enable editing the assigned rundown topic's name.

  • Install logs - record the URL of the final update report.

  • Polls and Poll Choices - removed QR codes for Poll tooltips.

  • Updated Thumbnail project code.


  • Scores - fix for editing a report that contained a page break was adding an extra new line after the page break.

  • Scores - Dynamic Playlists - modify to allow support for the default sql_mode : ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY.

  • Election Results - Vote Diff % - modify to allow support for the default sql_mode : ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY.

  • Weather - enable display of forecast times particularly for current and hourly - instead of only just the date.

  • BLADE - add a validDateTime field to the output to identify when the forecast report was applicable to - primarily useful for hourly reports.

  • Facebook login - use version 18 of the client Graph API.


  • BLADE - Elections

    • Add option to leave out the Choices data in the XML and JSON output formats via the Skip Fields option.

    • Add Election Event Type Name values (Type) and the Party Alternate Name values (NameAlt).

  • Ticker Show Schedule - go back to using an End date instead of a Duration and don't allow overlapping occurrences when using the recurrence option.

  • Sponsor Spot Schedule - go back to using an End date instead of a Duration and don't allow overlapping occurrences when using the recurrence option.

  • Asset Schedule - improve the UI to better interact with a user typing in start and duration values.


  • Elections - fix for not being able to add a new candidate with a new party in the Contest Edit module.

  • Sports - show the airs and expires option immediately instead of requiring a Game Start to be selected first

    • then check if the airs/expires option requires the start date when the Add button is pushed.

  • As Runs - add a description field and a player IP field

  • Sponsors - add a description field which will be copied into As Runs when applicable.

  • BLADE - Add support for excluding fields from the As Run output and enable filtering results by a partial or specific IP address.

  • Database

    • Add field: asrun.description

    • Add field asrun.playerIP

    • Add field sponsor.description


  • Election Results - changed label of 'Close Races %' to 'Vote Diff %'.

  • BLADE - Polls - added ContentGroupName to the output for a Polls details.

  • General - Explicitly grant localhost access when it is configured to use it instead of relying on the implicit assignment via the % wildcard (deprecated in MySQL 8.0.35)

  • Rundowns - fix for a bug that caused a user entry for one max or limit item in a rundown to display for all instead of only the item it was assigned to.

  • Show Preview - enable the Preview Show rundown links for weather to open the location's forecasts when clicked.


  • Branding Schedule - display messages when invalid schedule items detected and allow downloading a CSV file with the details.

  • Elections

    • Fix the Close Races election filter option - still requires MySQL 8.

    • Enable a direct link to the relevant online help page in the Quick Edit Choices module and show custom navigation tabs.

    • Convert the Election Event Type edit forms for more flexibility in editing layout

      • add the display of a list of the Election Events using the Event Type

    • Display the Event Type name in the Customize - Election Event list

    • Enable deleting unused Election Event Types

    • Add Content Group support to Election Event Types.

  • Media - Show the media bins in their content groups in the popup media picker.

  • Ticker Rundowns - fix for repeated query parameters in the Rundowns when the same query is used multiple times with different parameter values.

  • Query - fix for error when the Query which was last used in the Result module is deleted.


  • Elections - fix for Contest Edit module not displaying candidate parties in the Party Affiliation list.

  • Elections - show the main parties in bold in the Customize - Candidates - editing form - party list.


  • BLADE - support for rundownId parameter on BLADE Query to apply the rundown parameter values to the query if it has any.

  • BLADE - add endpoint to get a Ticker schedule for a channel (blade/schedule/ticker/{channelId}).

  • Users - only show the User Closings module if the main Closings module is enabled.

  • Election Results - rearrange election contest results header and enable editing the riding Votes Percent when it's not null.

  • Elections - support for 2 Runoff fields instead of 1 - now there is Runoff Eligible and Is Runoff.

  • Help Buttons - improve help link behaviour and change help tab to only show icon and not the label text "Online Help".

  • New Installs - add a general election type to new installs.

  • Promos - disable Promos as a selectable feature - they are replaced by Sponsors.


  • Assets - add button on the Assets edit page to Save & Update Players (triggers a refresh of the asset list in the players).

  • General - additional error handling to reduce the number of reported errors.

  • Installer - fix for a new install setup script error (broken in

    • default to disabling the Twitter module in a new install.


  • Alerts - remove the link to the legacy Alert Report.

  • Alerts - the default Alert Expiry value will now be no expiry for new installs.

  • Rundowns - improve the UI behaviours when editing rundown set names etc.

  • Weather - fix error that occurred on some configurations using a ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY sql_mode.

  • Known issue: new installs fail to create the database. (fixed in


  • Database - Notify admin users if a MySQL database upgrade is recommended (version 5.6 or 5.7 should be upgraded to 8.0).


  • Elections - fix for the Vote % fields showing zeros when it should be calculated.

    • set optional vote fields to null instead of zero when doing an election reset.

  • Elections Result Backup - include the optional result vote fields in an election result data set.

  • System - improve access of database server variables and status.


  • Election Events - add the ability to assign a generic headshot for an election event.

    • Set it in the Election Event module or the Election Customize module

    • The selected headshot can be included or excluded from the main BLADE election data output

  • Dynamic Fields - improve the layout and display of dynamic field values

  • Database scripts fix - avoid error with legacy MySQL 5.6 and 5.7 servers (scripts, and

  • Facebook login - upgrade to use Graph API version 17.

  • Sponsors - update layout to give more room to the Name and dynamic fields.

  • Database

    • Add field: elc_event.genericHeadshotMediaID


  • Alert Groups - Added support for 'Remove Selected' items, column filtering and a 'Remove Filters' button.

  • CG Sequencer - Used better code to create media URLs that are passed to the Ticker Player via the Chameleon API.

  • Custom Topics - Added support for 'Remove Selected' items, column filtering and a 'Remove Filters' button.

  • Poll Topics - Added support for 'Remove Selected' items, column filtering and a 'Remove Filters' button.

  • Sequencer Playlist Item Edit dialog - Fix for adding new item to not show the 'Edit Parameters' button.

  • Story Topics - Added support for 'Remove Selected' items, column filtering and a 'Remove Filters' button.

  • Twitter Topics - Added support for 'Remove Selected' items, column filtering and a 'Remove Filters' button.

  • Query - Results - fix so the page title name sticks between refreshes but changes when selecting a new query.

  • Query - BLADE - Added label 'Select Query' above the query drop-down list.


  • Assets - use the new query parameter editor to define parameters.

  • BLADE - Query - use the new query parameter editor to define parameters.

  • CG Sequencer - add support for assigning query parameters.

  • Query - Parameters Editor - Modified the control to allow assigning of value types to parameters where the types are

    • text

    • number

    • boolean

    • date

    • as-is. (As-Is type means that the parameter should be used as defined in the query.)

  • Query - try and convert the query parameter values into the appropriate types prior to executing the query.

  • Query - Results - add support for assigning query parameters.

  • Rundown - use the new query parameter editor to define parameters.

  • Database

    • added table sequencer_playlist_item_query_params

    • add column rundown_query_params.valueType

    • add column named_asset_query_params.valueType


  • BLADE UI - Improve date and time validation when selecting dates.

  • BLADE As Run - fix for missing column error (broken in


  • Use a duration instead of an end date and warn if the hourly recurrence is invalid for:

    • Asset Scheduling

    • Program Scheduling

    • Ticker Channel Scheduling

    • Sponsor Spot Scheduling

  • BLADE - Leagues - add an option to select a single league to return the basic league data for instead of all leagues in the content group.


  • Media - Fixed bug with missing thumbnails for videos (like .webm files).

  • Scores - removed ‘Include Expired’ toggle button as we always want to show only non-expired scores.

  • Query parameters

    • Added support in Rundown Query items.

    • Added support in Assets.

    • Added support in Query module when editing & testing queries with parameters.


    • Channels & Shows - Added User Query tag support to return only Channels & Shows that a specific user has access to.

    • Ticker Rundown Set - Added endpoint to retrieve rundown sets.

    • Polls

      • Added endpoint to support requests for a single poll using a poll id.

      • Added support for a limit value to limit the number of poll choices returned if set.

  • Dynamic Field Editor

    • Fixed a bug with the ‘Show’ media link being visible for non-media related dynamic fields.

    • Fixed the ‘Show’ link so that it plays a .webm video media in a browser page instead of downloading the file.

  • Database (

    • Added table: rundown_query_params

    • Added table: named_asset_query_params


  • Scores - Edit All - Added a checkbox to 'Airs' header to toggle the Air (output) property of all score items being edited.

  • Tag Editor - Fix issue with the 'Show' link not appearing when the tag is of type media and has a media selected.

  • BLADE - Fix for Scores - All Leagues option being broken by build



    • Enable the score search by name to also filter by home team code

      • Example URL: blade/score/league/Global/NFL/?homeTeam=KC&format=json

    • Add option for league team lists to disable the league/team tags

      • &leagueTags=no

      • &teamTags=no

      • Example URL: blade/league/Global/NFL/?team=KC&leagueTags=no&teamTags=no

    • Known issue: breaks Scores - All Leagues option. (fixed in


  • Assets

    • Implemented a 'show' hyperlink for an explicit Media field with selected media to show the media in a browser.

    • Added a Thumbnail drop-down control that allows hiding or showing of item scene thumbnails with different sizes.

  • Assets Schedule - Added a thumbnail image of the scene to the tooltip for the scheduled item.

  • Trigger Assets - Added a Thumbnail drop-down control that allows hiding or showing item scene thumbnails with different sizes.

  • Query Results - fixed a bug with the error message not being displayed due to the error message containing one or more CRLF.


    • Make the default behaviour for dynamic fields in JSON output to continue to be the compact version without extra attributes - to maintain legacy behaviour.

    • Prevent leagues which are set to not-air from being included in the teams All Leagues output by default

      • They can be included by adding the parameter &onAirOnly=false

  • Split the dynamic field batch load limit into UI (Custom Data module) and non-UI uses

    • Dynamic Fields > Max Batch Load Count

    • Dynamic Fields > UI Max Batch Load Count



    • Added endpoints for Sponsors, Sponsor Spots, Channels, Shows, Ticker Players.

    • Added new endpoint to get Flow Database version.

    • Fixed Get Version endpoint to return the Flow version instead of the Database version.

    • Added support for Dynamic Field Attributes in JSON output (already existed for XML).

      • Known issue: this may break existing uses of JSON data if relying on the dynamic fields in the output.

    • Fixed error in GetQueryResultsBlade when query is not set.


  • BLADE - Added new endpoints to support access from Election Players.


  • Assets - Fix for not being able to add a new Asset. Addresses the known issue created in version


  • Election Rundown Builder

    • add an option to hide the project names in the scene names.

    • improve UI behaviours

  • Twitter - re-enable the use of double-click to add tweets to playlists in the moderation module.


  • Custom - Edit All

    • Improve the module's ability to resize and maximize the Edit All window.

    • Fix for character sorting not working when sorting in descending order.

      • It had been sorting the same as ascending.

  • Story - Add New - allow the Add Story popup to resize and enable the Dynamic Fields and Media popup to open outside of the story popup.

  • Dynamic Fields

    • Enable the field editor to allow sorting the dynamic fields by Name and Type by clicking on the headers.

      • Known Issue: causes an error when trying to create a new Asset.

    • Enable sorting the Dynamic Fields by key/name by default via a new system preference

  • Leagues - Enable the league codes to be up to 64 characters long and the league names to be up to 255 characters long.


  • DMan Report - fix to allow the report to show existing log entries.

  • Dynamic Fields - add support for a new Vote type that is numeric and is cleared and backed up when its Election Events are.

    • The reset and backup currently applies to Election Choice dynamic Vote fields only. Other uses of the Vote type will not be affected.

  • Election Results - detect sub-contests and display the expand/collapse icons if there are any sub-contests for each contest

  • Election Events - Contest list now always enables adding sub-contests instead of requiring it to be enable via a toggle.

  • Election Event Types - no longer enable specifying if the type use sub-contests as this will be always enabled and auto-detected for display in results.

  • Election Rundown - Allow Playlists and Election Events to be copied between two party scenes by dragging from one to another

  • Media - Media delete dialogue no longer shows the numbers with the item names (these numbers were for debugging purposes only)

  • Database - adds 2 new fields for use with XPression scenes: defaultFb & defaultLayer

    • added field elc_scene.defaultFb

    • added field: elc_scene.defaultLayer

    • added table: elc_backup_choice_tag


  • Branding - remember the selected date when returning to a branding scheduling page in the same session.

  • Media - Media deletion shows a new dialogue which shows the uses of the media item(s) and allows the user to then decide to proceed or skip deleting each selected media item.

  • Media - Fixed a bug when creating a new Media Bin which did not update the media grid.

  • Scores - add default airs start time for new scores defined as the System Preference: ScoreAirsAtTime - Scores > Game Starts Airing At

  • Scores - show the airs and expires options as a list instead of a checkbox or radio buttons.


  • Custom Data

    • Enable resizing the Edit All popup window and grid.

    • Stop before loading an overwhelming number of dynamic fields and display an error message.

      • Default value is set to 12,000.

    • Add a second save button to save the changes without closing the popup window.

    • Enable deleting a topic with a large amount of data by increasing the time out when deleting it.

    • Use the ON display value when showing toggle columns

      • Dynamic Fields > Display Value - ON

      • can use text or values such as ☑ and ✓ instead.

  • Election Results - Added support for showing sub-contest results using nested grid views.

  • Shows - change column widths to give more room to the show layouts column.

  • Reports

    • Use landscape and narrower margins when printing PDF export of reports and use new column print widths.

    • Stop including promo tables in As Run results since promos aren't used anymore.

      • Known Issue: breaks the As Run report in BLADE. Fixed in


  • Custom Data

    • Fixed a bug that prevented a single row of data from saving changes in the Edit All form.

    • Enhanced the toggle column types with a checkbox in the header to select either all or none and counts showing checked and unchecked in the footer.

    • Confirm before saving changes that include removing records


  • Sports Dynamic Playlists - added support for selecting multiple leagues and teams.

  • Branding Schedule

    • added an option to filter on the number of hours of the day displayed in the schedule.

    • don't try to display the schedule when too large a number of occurrences exist (which would cause the page to hang or crash).

    • enable filtering on an asset or program in the schedule.

    • enable a quick CSV dump of the current schedule items.


  • Sports Teams - Support for paging has been added to improve performance when a lot of teams and dynamic fields are defined.

  • Community - add a new field Time Zone field for the the data source in addition to the existing time zone for the target.

  • Database

    • add column: flow_map.sourceTimeZoneId


  • BLADE - Query - add support for passing in parameters to queries for query reuse and customization.

  • Elections - add support for assigning dynamic fields to election choices in the Quick Edit Choices module.

  • Score Dynamic Playlist - add the missing online help link. Now clicking the Online Help button in the module will open the correct documentation.

  • Database

    • add tables elc_area_tag , elc_choice_tag

    • add columns elc_contest.parentID , elc_type.useSubAreas , elc_type.subAreaLabel


  • Media - don’t delete an existing video file when cancelling the selection of a new one.

  • Media - have updates as well as inserts copy the new video to the main upload folder from the temp folder.

  • Elections - introduce support for Election SubContests and SubAreas.


  • Assets - update Add button on Asset Scheduling page.

  • Google Login - use the new Google Identity Services instead of the legacy Google Sign-In web solution.

  • BLADE Query - enable support of the newline parameter to allow removing newlines for queries (add&newline=false in the URL).


  • BLADE Scores - add a GameDate field to represent only the date from the Game Start.

  • BLADE Query - add support for requesting the query list as CSV in addition to JSON and XML.


  • Finance - Enable the stock volume values to include numbers up to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 instead of only 2,147,483,647

  • Branding Clients - improve audit logging when removing a branding client. Previously it didn’t include the name of the client that was removed.

  • Database - change stock.volume field to a bigint.


  • Assets - don't include expired assets in lists or in the schedule view.

  • Branding - auto select the channel when there is only one in the content group.

  • Branding Segments: enable quick edits of segments in the branding schedule.


  • Dynamic Fields - enable extra long dynamic field key/name values up to 127 characters.

  • Dynamic Fields- enable displaying extra long dynamic field values in an alternate layout

    • New system preference: Dynamic Fields > Long Key Length

      • The minimum key length required to trigger the alternate layout of dynamic fields (increase this value to prevent the use of the alternate layout)

    • New system preference: Dynamic Fields > Long Value Length

      • The minimum value length required to trigger the alternate layout of dynamic fields (increase this value to prevent the use of the alternate layout)

  • Program Schedule - remember a users selections for resources and schedule views

  • Asset Schedule - remember a users selections for resources and schedule views


  • Media - Additional fix for managing Media items with the Media Folder Watcher app.


  • Media - Add additional feature support for managing Media items with the new Media Folder Watcher app.


  • Asset Scheduling - add support for adding blackouts to the asset schedule (not used by the player at this time)

  • Asset Scheduling - improve auditing of asset schedule changes.


  • BLADE - Scores - fix output of ALL Leagues to include dynamic fields when they aren’t enabled to air yet.

  • Events - make the OnAirStart field to be required for recurring events

  • Scores - allow the long tag fields to have more room when displayed on the scores page.

  • Assets - show additional asset info in the schedule popup.

  • Database - add event_schedule.onAirStart


  • BLADE - Scores - add option to BLADE for Scores to include all scores even if they aren't enabled to air yet.

  • Events - add support for recurring scheduled events.

  • Database - add event.recurrenceRule and event.recurrenceParentID and table event_schedule


  • Assets - add support for using a color with the Asset Logo type and use RGB color format.

  • Media - improve media management security in view only mode.

  • User Access - improve access for Sales and Traffic users to better support their use of Sponsors.


  • Assets - improve the audit logging.

  • Media - display the captions and keywords in the popup media selector.

  • Media - improve the popup media selectors ability to remember the last used bin.


  • Assets - add a preference to control the display size of assets with no end time (snipes)

    • Assets > No End Time (Snipe) Display Size

  • Assets - Don't show the end date field on the form when the default format selected is snipes.

  • Community - use the league code in the local target list to match the source list. (rather then league name)

  • Sports - if the team name and the location are the same then only show the name.

  • Polls - prompt if the user tries to publish a poll with no choices.

  • Dynamic Fields - fix for a sponsor image showing after the field type is changed to another type.


  • Finance Rundowns - fix known issue from build that prevented players from displaying scenes with financial data.

  • Elections - fix for content group changes not displaying the default filter options.


  • BLADE - add System Time Zone to the data returned from the Flow Remote Preferences endpoint.

  • Branding Player - add time zone field to branding player records (not yet supported by player apps)

  • Community - add a time zone field to community map records. (not yet supported by the Community Reader app)

  • Media - add webm as a allowed default video format in the media selector.

  • Sports Dynamic Playlist - display start and end labels when using the between operator.

  • Stories - enable displaying all story/alert content with no default limit - set the preference values to -1 to indicate no limit StoryTextBaseHeight and StorySummaryBaseHeight

    • Add new preferences to enable controlling how much of the dynamic fields display: StoryTagsBaseHeight, AlertTagsBaseHeight

  • Stories - add a split button to control if the add story window closes after saving.

    • Add a preference to determine what the default button selection is: StoryCloseAfterAdd

  • Alerts- add a split button to control if the add alert window closes after saving.

    • Add a preference to determine what the default button selection is: AlertCloseAfterAdd

  • Database

    • Add field branding_player.timeZoneId

    • Add field flow_map.timeZoneId


  • Elections Results - enable time specific filter options including Between for the Polls Close field.

  • Finance - used to be called Financials

    • Known Issue: this change prevents scenes with Financials from displaying via the players.

  • Sports Dynamic Playlist - rename the Start Date Time filter field to Game Start to be clearer and make the Between filter operation the default.


  • Elections - Adding contests manually - use a split button Save and Add Another option to allow more quickly adding another contest.

  • Elections - Contest editing - enable changing the area assigned to an election contest (instead of editing the area in-place)

  • Election Results - enable date time specific filter options and emphasize the Start Time filter option date specific format

    • includes adding a new Between search operator that uses inclusive two date time values

  • Election Results - fix for saved filters - save content group selection with dynamic playlist filters

  • Election - Customize

    • enable multi-record delete of election offices.

    • enable election party list to show parties not associated with an event when no election event is selected.

    • enable multi-record delete of election parties.

    • Add option for a System Admin to delete all

      • orphan parties

      • orphan candidates

      • orphan offices

      • orphan areas

  • Show Module - enable filtering the Show module by project format (Web/XPression)

  • Sports Dynamic Playlist - make the Start Time filtering field use date time specific filtering options including the use of a Between option.

  • Zone Control - identify the projects as Web/XPression format in the zone control module.


  • Election Results

    • add an Update sort option for election results

      • use descending order to get the newest results at the top

    • add Manual as an Election Live Filter option

    • freeze the header in the Leaders List so the column titles stay at the top when scrolling

    • change label from "Manual Only" to "Manual"

    • save only the selected filters so results match what is saved

  • Scores - fix so that the expired score icons take the User Time Zone into consideration.

  • Sports - don't cache the team logos anymore.


  • Polls & Poll Choices modules - added Poll Results URL & QR Code and JSON datafeed URL to tooltip dialogs.

  • Weather - enable adding weather detail type records for day forecasts up to day 15.

  • BLADE Weather Codes - add weather detail types to the output.


  • Election - fix for previous vote percent amounts not allowing decimals.

  • Dynamic Fields - first implementation of Color as a new field type. Support in the player etc. is in the works.

  • Story and Alerts - add a system preference to control the number of lines of a story or alert show when collapsed.

    • Story > Text Base Height and Story > Summary Base Height

    • Alert > Text Base Height and Alert > Summary Base Height

  • General - add additional cache control options to try to prevent unwanted caching behaviors.


  • Assets - add a new System Preference to set the default Asset Type (bug, snipe) and Format (web, xpr)

    • Assets > Default Format

    • Assets > Default Type

  • Assets - temporarily remember user grid settings in while they are logged in for Assets and Asset Trigger pages.

  • BLADE - access to media items by content group, bin and item name

    • blade/media/ContentGroup/BinName1/BinName2/BinName3/ItemName.extension

    • Content Group is required even if it’s Global

    • extension is optional but more specific

    • case insensitive search

    • add the query parameter &redirect=true if your media items are urls and you want the result to redirect to the url

  • Community - check for http(s) prefixes when saving community instances and test for and prefer the https version.


  • BLADE - All Container Types - fixed a bug caused by any container with no items.

  • Implemented a new Web Service that supports the Chameleon MediaBin Importer/Exporter application.


  • Stories and Alerts: new layout for stories/alerts with a limited display of text and fields by default with the option to expand to see the full text.

  • Dynamic Fields: use a text based checkbox display value for dynamic fields viewer - customizable in preferences.

    • DynamicFieldsTrueDisplayValue = ☑

    • DynamicFieldsFalseDisplayValue = ☐

  • BLADE: enable a URL to access Sports Scores using League Code and Content Group Name instead of league ID.


  • Dynamic Score Playlist - this is the initial implementation of dynamic score playlists.


  • Scores Management - Fixed issue with manual re-ordering of score items not working (removed in


  • BLADE - Closings - modified ClosingInstitution elements to include the Group name.


  • Story Playlists - fix for error preventing the playlist module from displaying stories and playlist content.

  • Closing Playlists - display the total count and airs count in the footer of the playlist grid.



  • Alerts - improve UI labelling

  • Serial Numbers - Include Polls as a standard feature for all serial types.

  • Story Edit All - fix bugs that related to saving changes to different parts of a story.


  • Dynamic Fields - added support for re-ordering the pre-defined fields using drag & drop.

    • this update doesn’t work with MySQL 5.6 - fixed in version

  • BLADE Scores - add support for all scores from all leagues in a content group to be pulled.

  • BLADE Teams - add support for all teams from all leagues in a content group to be pulled.

    • add LeagueTeamCode to sports team output

  • Leagues - fix bug in saving league output status quick toggles.

  • Scores - log changes to a league's sport field.

  • Story Edit All - fix bug that caused errors to appear when attempting to edit a story with the 'Add Story' panel opened in the main story page.


  • Election Playlists and Rundowns: display the saved filter name when one is selected.

  • Election Results Filters: limit the group list to groups in the selected content group.

  • Filter Groups Management is a new module to manage the Filter Groups previously created in the Election Results module for saved filters.

    • a sub item of the Miscellaneous group

  • Story Edit All - improve the performance by using a shared rich text story editor instead of creating one for each story in the list.

  • System Preferences - Added Internal API Key preference setting (for use with Players).


  • BLADE Closings - added option to show only active closings (default) or all closings.

    BLADE Closings - added option to show contact information when checked.

  • Branding: fix for the branding schedule not showing the dates in the correct format after navigating or removing an item.

  • Community: enable Community Instances to use API Keys.

  • Election Playlist: enable assigning a results filter to a playlist - the filters are defined in the Results module

  • Election Rundown: enable assigning a results filter to a rundown- the filters are defined in the Results module

  • Election Results: enable using the preset/manual vote percent value in the election results and filter.

  • Election Results: fix for Election Results elect button popup confirm message

    • when clicking to set elected it was not finding choice name or area name

  • Election Result Filters: enable saving name and group changes and add a few generic filters.

  • Schedules: default to show only programs in the program schedule page and assets in the asset schedule page


  • Media - fix media export button to enable export of video files saved in a file folder (not the db) and fix the naming of a single item export.

  • Sports - BLADE - Add LeagueName and IsHomeTeamFirst to score output.

  • Sports - fix team player update audit code.

  • General - add an optional privacy policy link to the login and content page using theme skins in the footer.


  • Media - allow the Content Editor group to edit in the Media module.

  • Media Export - fix the error that occurred when adding new media export items (issue created in

  • Weather - allow non-editors to view weather details without editing them.

  • Sponsors - grant edit access to sponsor based on the Promos security token

  • Alerts - don't show the add button in Alert Types module if the user doesn't have edit rights.



  • Show the project format (Web or XPression)


  • Election Headshots - add the ability to filter by contest, choice or playlist.



  • Playlists: Add an option to lock a playlist to restrict users from too freely making changes to an important playlist.


  • Query Results: handle errors when running queries better.

  • Query Preview: improve content encoding of error messages.


  • Fix for Utility Status details popup not opening. (Known issue created in build

  • Fix for third-party license links not being included.



  • Rundown Builder: fix to prevent bins or rundowns from being recreated when they are selected in the list

    • it was happening if they had an extra space char at the end of the name.

  • BLADE: add max width, max height, quality and alpha color options to the Election headshot export.

  • Parties: Use grey as a default party color (previously allowed the color to be unspecified)



  • Polls and Poll Choices page now show a QR Code with the published poll details.

  • BLADE - add an option to return the QR Code for a poll as an image response.

  • BLADE - add an option to return the poll widgets URL.


  • BLADE - add the option to filter the election results based on choice/candidate first and/or last names.

  • BLADE - add the option to format the output with the Choices objects as the primary object instead of Contests.

  • BLADE - add the default headshot file format: [LAST]_[First]_[PARTYCODE]_[AREACODE]

  • Customize Module - enable selecting No Color as an option assigned to an election party.

Dynamic Field Editor

  • Show the media for the selected Sponsor in a dynamic field.


  • System Info tab - Added links to show copyright info for each system DLL if available.



  • Use the correct story/alert labelling in the Edit All context and when removing selected items.


  • Remove ability to reorder scores manually in the main Scores module.


  • Record the Campaign name in the audit record when the one assigned changes in a Sponsor.

    • Previously was only recording a system id for the campaign which was not useful to users.

Fix Known Issues from previous build

  • see below


Known Issues

  • Will have errors when trying to:

    • Edit Promos

    • Save and load Election Results Filter selections

    • Adding items to the Election Rundowns

    • Adding items to Event Playlists

    • BLADE access to tweets

    • Tweet Playlists

    • Adding multiple items to a Financials playlist


  • Enable support for editing the Manual Override, On-Air Time and Expiry Time to the Edit All Stories popup.


  • Results module: avoid error when saving the filter selections with no filters selected.


  • Add some debug/error logging in the installer processes.



  • Add support for requiring an API Key to use BLADE urls.

    • New key management module is accessible only to System Administrators in the Global content group and must be enabled.

    • The use of API Keys must be configured to be activated in the system.


  • Add a Manual field to enable a manual override of automated stories from an RSS data feed.



  • Add a System Preference to control if the default position for Stories and Alerts is First or Last.

    • Story > Default Position for manual Stories

    • Alert > Default Position for manual Alerts

  • Don't require the use of validating the old story text before updating.

Story RSS Maps

  • Add an Update Existing Stories toggle option to the RSS Maps.

LDAP Settings

  • Correct some of the help text - previous info text was actually wrong.


LDAP Settings

  • Add an option to enable SSL in the settings.


  • Results Module - add missing support for Vote % filter.



  • Fix for Polls to make images available to a published poll.


  • Add a System Preference to control if the Airs checkbox is checked by default for new stories.

    • Story > Enable Air by Default

  • Clean stories before displaying them to avoid errors that case problems with the Flow UI.


  • Add a System Preference to control if the Airs checkbox is checked by default for new alerts.

    • Alert > Enable Air by Default

CG Sequencer

  • Add a System Preference to enable new items to be bugs by default.



  • Fix for the “Hide All Assets On Channel” not working for XPression player assets.


  • Add missing Financial Playlist item change logging and improve other financial logging.


  • Fixed a bug with not publishing media images.

  • Improve audit statement formatting for Poll topics and choices.



  • CG Sequencer & Player pages - added support for 'Format' fields with 'WEB' as default value.

  • CG Sequencer - added labels to indicate what the selected Channel format is.

  • CG Sequencer - improved checking of connection status on changing of channels.


  • Fix for the edit form disappearing after saving dynamic fields in popup editor opened from the edit form.


  • Use new request end-point for polling widget.



  • Add a feature that allows users to select their preferred module to start in when they log in. This can be modified in their User Profile.

    • If the user doesn't have a default module assigned in their profile - show a prompt on the dashboard to select one.

    • Automatically assign the My Closings module as the default module for My Closings users who logged in to it with the legacy login dropdown option.

  • Remove the option to select a module to start in on the login page.


  • Enable global users to select channels in a non-global content group.

My Closings

  • Enable a System Admin user to access the main flow modules.


My Closings

  • Enable users to access a new My Password page to allow them to update their Flow password when using a Flow login.



  • Improve media handling.


  • Enable importing User Closings with Closing Institution Types and enable assigning multiple institutions to a single user during import.


  • Updated widget end point and authorization info.

  • Adds the Flow Serial string to the poll's json prior to publishing.


  • Improve user creation code to accommodate more diverse login name characters.



  • Redirect saved videos to their path when a blade media request references them.

  • Fix for media links not working with a virtual path like localhost/STPub.

  • Send media with a saved path via a direct file send instead of a redirect to the saved file. This reduces the reliance on the CORS header for the Upload path.

  • Provide more accurate length and mime type info when returning a video thumbnail from blade.

  • Avoid errors when downloading project files.


  • Save short/small videos in the database if it is small enough to fit in the blob column. This reduces the number of videos saved separately in the Uploads/Video folder.

  • Fix: when deleting a media item with a local saved path (large videos) remove the saved file from the Uploads/Video folder when the corresponding record is deleted to reduce orphaned video files.


  • Disables (or hides) edit, delete or change order (in Poll Choices) when the poll is published.


  • Fix for a rundown item losing it's limit and display values when a new item is dropped in above it.


  • Add CORS header to the Uploads path to allow video links to load their saved videos from it.


  • Record failures to trigger assets when trying to connect to players as a system warning instead of an error (that may be auto sent as a support request).



  • Fix for update script from that failed on MySQL 5.6/5.7 versions.


  • Enable assigning a user to a specific Closing Institution during user import.

    • It can create unmatched Closing Groups and Institutions - enabled via an option that is selected before importing.



  • Sequencer Page: Fixed issue with sluggish performance when either the Program and Preview outputs of the selected channel can't be connected to.


  • Fix for issue that prevented the new OnTheSnow reader from successfully creating a new topic automatically.

My Closings

  • trigger full screen popup messages on small devices.


  • Poll Management: Add support for publishing and unpublishing a poll.

  • BLADE: Added info for Published (true/false) and Last Published (date and time) data for Polls.


  • Verify user permissions before creating a new weather playlist.


  • Automatically apply the relevant theme when using an installer targeting a specific theme like Tick-it


  • add field poll.published

  • add field poll.lastPublished

  • include a default value of empty string '' for column1 - column5 in custom_topic



  • Election Headshots: Validate the headshot file name formats and remember a recently used list.


  • Put the Rich Text Style module in a navigation group by itself now instead of with the Users navigation group.

  • Make the default setting for the use of Broadcast Styles to be disabled.

  • Log changes to preference settings - specifically theme changes.

  • Fix for incorrect reset of the selected theme when it failed to find the master file in the theme directory.



  • Closing Groups: add support for dynamic fields including media and sponsors.

  • Auto assign the valid until date as either near today-midnight or tomorrow-noon based on current time (when enabled).

    • midnight today is used before the 12th hour of the day and noon tomorrow is used after that

      • the use of the 12th hour can be controlled by a new System Preference Closings > Auto Valid Until Cutoff Hour

  • My Closings:

    • simplify the My Closings page with a single save button and 4 explicit steps.

    • remember the checked items after saving a change.


  • LDAP: improve LDAP tracing and error catching.


  • Fix for media module links not working.


  • Added table closing_group_tag



  • Add an expiry date field to the Named Assets edit page so they can be automatically removed by DMan when expired.



  • Polls: fix for media details not being included in BLADE output.


  • Automatically save and restore the column selections for each custom topic.

Project Zones

  • Scroll the project zones grid instead of letting it grow unbounded.

  • Enable a expand/collapse all toggle in the zones grid.

  • Enable a expand/collapse all toggle in the scene grid

  • Hide the Custom Zone field in the module.

  • Hide the Available column in the scene grid.


Rich Text in Scores and Stories

  • Added a new Rich Text configuration module to allow System Administrators of Content Groups to define the available rich test style options.

    • Specific to each content group but defaults to using Global settings if no content group specific configuration is defined.

    • Can specify the default font size and color and background color.

    • Can define custom styles.


  • Added table richtext_style

  • Added table richtext_body_style

  • Added fields to custom_topic

    • showData

    • showDataSource

    • showLastModified

    • column1 - column5




  • Popup Edit All control

    • Added support for deleting Custom records.

    • Added support for adding blank Custom records.

    • Added sorting for dynamic tag columns which will result in changing the order of the Custom records when saved by changing their priority values.

    • Added a 'Clear' button to the Media cell editor to allow clearing of selected images.


  • Removed the display of the zone layer field in Flow as it was deemed no longer useful.


  • Remove the use of Telerik RadCompression since IIS Dynamic Compression can be (and likely already is) enabled.

  • Add a Closings theme.

Version 13 Notes

See this archive document for the version 13 changes Flow Release Notes 13

Version 11 and 12 Notes

See this archive document for the version 11 and 12 changes Flow Release Notes 11 and 12

Version 10.x Notes

See this archive document for the version 10.x changes: Flow Release Notes 10.x

Version 9.x Notes

See this archive document for the version 9.x changes: Flow Release Notes 9.x

Version 8.x Notes

See this archive document for the version 8.x changes: Flow Release Notes 8.x

Version 7.x and older

See this archive document for these older release notes: Flow Release Notes 7.x and Older