Player for Brando Release Notes

Player for Brando Release Notes

Version 2.1.x.11


- support for a trigger command delimiter so we can process multiple commands at a time

- add support for reversing state gpis where high is off and low is on. Done using a checkbox in the trigger dialog.


- the off named snipe trigger command for ip or com wasn't parsing correctly
- support for taking all named snipes off without specifying the house id - new trigger type

- support [#] indexing of implicits. This allows defining a tag like ^next[3].name. We continue to support defining ^next3.name
- hide implicits that don't match (i.e. if a show doesn't have a dynamic field for the tag, hide it)

- some minor code impprovements with named snipes
- don't hold preview named snipes (no trigger off required)

- write in logs when named snipe is played
- support for playing more than one named snipe at a time

- catch exceptions when setting chameleon tags
- always mark graphic up-to-date on launch if not using project server


- fixed problems in SetTags for implicits


- support for enhancement of now/next chameleon tags giving us ^now, ^next and ^next# where n >= 0. basically, ^now is an alias for ^next0 and ^next is an alias for ^next1


- allow dynamic tags with same name if they are different types
- trigger for named snipe off
- support for named snipes that require an off trigger - uses metadata attribute "TriggerOff" in the scene to flag it
- when we have a resource playing and we play another before the previous one is complete, force the other one off cleanly preserving as runs as needed
- support for getting db info from url
- hide db port

- minor improvements to make the settags algorthm quicker
- wasn't calling implicit ratings correctly

- support for chameleon tags

- previous build didn't support snipe commands from switcher correctly

- show resources and schedules in tabs

- when writing an as run for a named snipe, instead of using the scene name, use the named snipe name (i.e. house number)

- for TL builds, SetDynamicLogo now uses SetVolatileTextureFile which removes the burden of assigning a unique material to each tag

- log entry written if named snipe project or scene not found
- if cancelling out of the db dialog on launch, it would generate a crash

- support for switcher triggered showing/hiding of bugs
- some defects in the way bugs worked with the keyer trigger

- support for showing scenes on their default fb

- ratings with transition logic wasn't calling the delegate correctly
- support for showing xpression scenes with their scene-defined layer
- bumpers were setting online twice

- support transition logic - for builds of xpr 6.5 and above only
- major refactoring of xpf code

- support for setting xpression layers
- move to .net 4.0
- read segment delay every 10 minutes

- we had two timers flushing old logs
- add Check For New Graphics menu item
- add a timer to check for new graphics instead of having it fired from clock changes
- don't deploy new graphics on launch
- check for new graphics every 15 minutes instead of 10
- if offline and check for new graphics is true, enable the deploy menu item
- bug: GetPrograms was using the same db connector as GetBumpers and GetNext. there was potential for collision.
- refactoring of db connections
- improved logs when failure to connect to project server
- used a prepared INSERT when writing to as-run
- protect against disconnected project server
- don't bother connecting to project server on launch; only on deployment or when testing the connection
- improvements on support for multiple instances of Brando Player on a single system

- suppport for auto update graphics - only supported with project server
- removed a bunch of info error log entries
- improve the logic behind connecting to an ip server
- improvements to named snipes
- get named snipes on a 5 minute timer
- never play named snipes if they have expired even if they're still in the list'
- when skipping the show preferences dialog on launch, the named snipes prefix/suffix weren't defined correctly'

- support for refreshing the named snipes manually (button)
- the named snipes combobox wasn't clearing old before adding new

- new menu item for setting segment delay while Player is running. previous, it only happened on launch.
- support for named snipes
- make graphics up to date on launch

- put explicit order by id when getting snipes so we get them in the order they were added when more than one snipe is added with the same time
- allow setting the logos path. it was previously subdirectory logos in the graphics path
- support for xpression transition logic

- snipe skip buttons have been renamed delete
- snipes now allows choosing the snipe to take, preview or delete

- checkbox for keyer/bugs changed to "Show Bugs based on Keyer"
- minor code refactoring in FormMain
- cleanup errorlogs to specify type
- fixed a defect when triggering bugs from gpi, 422/com and ip

- timed snipes had a problem related to updating the grid of snipes which could cause duplicates and other strange side effects

- change the default MySQL userid/password to use "Player"
- fix a problem related to now/next tags where if not enough shows are available, it could throw an exception during assignment of tags

- some preview resources were shared with program resources causing the possibility of problems when a resource is played out on a program channel while it's playing out on preview
- don't hide countdowns when they reach 0. best to keep the countdown showing 0:00 and let a script deal with it beyond that.

- support for multiple GPIO boards
- remove trigger groupbox from main form

- groupbox for segment (keyer) is now just called Keyer
- get program schedule every 5 minutes (at 0, 5, 10,...55) instead of at the 1/2 hour

- horizontal scrollbar for programs so we can see full titles
- instead of a matching search, we now do a contains search for com and ip trigger strings. this will allow us to receive multiple triggers on a single read.
- add check for whether a scene exists when hiding bumper, next or ratings. Not a huge problem because the exception was caught
- when going offline, hide everything including ratings. also, hide from the back to the front z-wise. When hiding, hide safely including writing to as-runs if needed
- remove support for sponsored snipes
- new sponsor support for bumpers, next and snipes using standard scenes and scheduling of sponsors in flow
- requires flow or greater
- protect against timed snipe segment delay of 0
- if timed segment delay is 0, play the timed snipe right away
- hide bugs on keyer on option
- keyer on on launch option
- rename Debug menu to Actions menu
- changes to Actions menu menu items - renaming the menu items
- put the on air/off air (previous called online/offline) in the top right corner
- show more of the schedule

- flush old logs daily

- support for reading settings.ini in the exe's path so we can have multiple instances of player on the same system
- remote control port optionally comes from the db

- phase out captions for bumpers, next and bugs
- support for dynamic tags for bumpers, next and bugs
- requires Flow or greater

- some protection when setting up gpis
- improvements to gpis allowing support for pulse vs. raise/lower for all applicable gpi triggers

- show snipes in a grid
- some UI adjustments
- show status of IP and COM ports

- more robust support of ip trigger server including server going down and then attempting to reconnect

- show the time start and optionally the expiry of each snipe in the lists
- preview support for timed snipes

- support for defining the preview channel to be different than the program channel
- preview support for bumpers and next

- support for previewing snipes

- support for scheduled dynamic tags for snipes
- captions support has been removed from snipes

- support for triggering bumpers and next boards from the switcher
- support for multiple objects with the same name for all standard tags

- dynamic tags are no longer case sensitive
- fixed a problem when deploying new graphics without a project server available

- remove all SetActiveProject calls
- support for multiple next tags with the same name

- if the current channel is selected in the co-channel list in the preferences dialog and the app is later launched without running preferences, the player is completely confused - fixed!
- removed special logic for showing/hiding next tags based on whether 2 lines have been defined
- having co-channel tags for the current channel wasn't working
- bug in dynamic logos

- support for using project commands instead of engine commands when opening projects - this will give us multi-process/multi-project support in XPression
- all projects opened with AddProject

- modifications for OEM skinning

- phasing out of time1-4 tags - only nexttime1-4 will be supported
- fixed a bug where next tags might not work during the last 3 seconds of a 1/2 hour
- support for dynamic fields and logos for next tags

- support for state gpis for next, bumper and rating - allowing these triggers to be taken off by a trigger
- support for off triggers for next, bumper and rating
- rating gpis weren't hooked up
- Debug menu item now supports testing all triggers including keyer on/off

- support for Channel and ChannelLogo tags

- wasn't saving Online on Launch between launches
- support for not writing to as-run - useful for preview or test channels
- support for string-based client code for as-runs

- L3Sponsors directory is now called Sponsors
- the menu item "DeployNewGraphics" is now renamed "Deploy New Graphics"

- support for countdowns
- on launch, give option to not set preferences with a timer that will close automatically and bypass prefs
- the installer now puts a shortcut into the Start Folder for automatic launch and system reboot
- 422 and IP trigger support with flexible command formats
- remove all xceed controls
- refactoring code for retrieving and managing snipes in the queue
- change default mysql password
- support for expiring snipes

- tag time wasn't working

- sponsored snipes now work again with recent builds of xpression

- bug when retrieving snipes from the db - recent defect related to hasnext and tagtime

- add "limit 1" clause to GetBumpers and GetNext SQL queries
- remove some logging of sql commands
- support for tag times allowing for next tags to be relative to anytime, not just now
- support for "has next tags" which makes it more efficient to render resources
- telerik controls
- brando banner

- minute resolution for next and bumpers

- support for program hashtags

- update bug (every minute) wasn't updating next tags
- display program schedule for all cross channels

- improve algorthm for setting next tags
- update next tags for bugs every minute

- bring back the a/b show tags and make compatible with brando 1

- rename L3 to Snipe
- remove the word Scene from groupboxes Next, L3,...
- scheduled Snipes are checked every minute instead of every 30 minutes
- support for cross channel branding
- support for show logos
- keep the debug menu active for release build
- change commercial on and off menu items to checked keyer on menu item
- remove all temperature support - if we need it in the future, it'll be redesigned to read temperature and logos from the database
- remove support for formatting times as am/pm - this type of special formatting will be done in an xpr script
- remove co-channel support - this is replaced with multi-channel support
- remove support for a/b now/next channels
- for show names, always use short names if they exist
- NowTime tag added
- NextTime1-4 added to replace Time1-4. Time1-4 still exists but is being phased out.

- new implementation of graphics status/Project Server support
- release notes menu item
- report a bug menu item
- changes to help menu items

- support for Reload Graphics from Switcher

- write to as run for L3Sponsors after clip is run instead of hard-coded to 8 seconds
- on launch, only check for new graphics if we're able to connect to project server
- disable check for new graphics menu item and timer if we can't connect to project server
- remove support for time and date. Have graphics use widgets instead.
- rename L3 Tail to Triggered L3
- XPression channel support
- support for enabling/disabling project server
- if an exception happens when hiding a bug scene, make the bug scene's layer available regardless
- support for shared projects
- remove support for bringing Player online/offline from flow but continue to write it's status
- switcher scenes weren't being hidden when channel was taken offline

- the take button for L3s wasn't connected
- the debug Show L3 menu item has been added
- wasn't reading cochannel schedule correctly

- removed hardcoded d:\\brando xpr path
- when can't open the xpr project file for the channel, write the error into the logs
- preferences dialog now lets you set the xpr path

- the schedule grid wasn't being cleared

- support for more log messages - show the name of next, bumper and bug scens when they're added

- support for L3 Tail (end of segment L3s)
- support for take/skip of L3s
- support for new BrandoPlayerRemote
- removal of ticker and voice over support

- instead of getting all programs that support a range of times, just get the current and next 5 programs
- removed an unneeded quad assignment when running an L3Sponsor

- contact BL menu item now points to the new website
- ticker and voice overs support can be turned on/off from preferences - this is a performance gain when turned off especially for tickers
- i wasn't cross thread safe when putting a channel offline from switcher

- because we were missing seconds, we now add L3s to the queue if the timecode is less than now

- check available flag when querying resources

- we weren't writiing out the correct L3s in the queue for the switcher
- support for material.ShaderExistsByName which was added to build 2003 of xpr
- added clear today's log menu item
- flush old logs daily

- limit the # of L3s in the queue list - hard-coded to 50 for now

- have the program schedule retrieved be 12 hours instead of 8

- clear L3s button to clear all queued L3s
- win7 support for settings.ini
- 64 bit support

- for next tags, instead of checking whether we have 5 or greater shows, we check as we set the tags

- support for GetL3s in the debug version

- use 12 hour clock for TimeHMS

- support for new TimeHMS tag which supports time in "HH:MM:SS"
- hack to get around problem with doneEvent losing reference and being garbage collected

- we were reading the wrong field in the temperature file
- i'm converting from F to C instead of reading the C column

- write as run for L3Sponsors when they're played instead of when they're done playing

- support for disabling online/offline support from flow

- more logging for L3s
- remove parse from ini.ReadValue/WriteValue - francis has added support for more than strings

- support for only grabbing channels with deleted = 0
- bug when having L3s scheduled at the same time
- we were still not showing L3s during the last 2 minutes of a 1/2 hour

- added support for having the L3Sponsor shader name be "video" which is the default name for a shader. previously, it only supported the name "clip" which wasn't a default name.
- added support for a long mysql command timeout
- DBConnect checks whether the connection is closed before attempting to open

- reintroduced support for multi bugs but not based on 1/2 hour segments but rather looping them from 1-n regardless
- don't loop switcher ticker scenes
- don't loop ticker scenes

- removed support for multi bugs
- verbose logging is always one - i have even removed the menu item for it
- support for new L3 scheduling

- support for reading today's log from the diagnostics menu item
- don't play L3Sponsor clip if the material and quad aren't defined correctly
- more log messages for L3Sponsor clips including when it plays correctly - no verbose logging required
- check whether voiceover scene exists before getting it

- support for timecode adjustment

- when an L3Sponsor, show the clip name in the L3 list
- sort channels in prefs dialog
- support for temperature, time and date

- ticker wouldn't work when less than 5 stories are initially available

- db connect timeout increased from 5 to 30
- formatting of time tags no longer show am/pm

- I was setting the current bumper and L3 scenes to null when that could affect the scene on done handler

- if player goes offline after the l3 timer has started, we no longer play lower 3rds

- add support for help
- support for having the channel go online on launch

- removed "bugs enable"
- for voice over, bumpers and next, ignore whether we're online or in commercial
- times were wrong when the minute didn't = 0 for time1-4 when not doing ET/PT
- when we have all of next, nextshort, nexta/b in a scene, use next/nextShort if there's no 2nd line else use nexta/b
- bumpers support
- ticker support
- back to always doing scene copies
- switcher graphics aren't hidden when we go offline
- build of without querying for bumpers - stopgap until chris adds bumpers into the production db
- GetSceneByName no longer uses a copy except for voice overs
- partial support for ticker and bumpers
- built for xpression 1731
- recalculate the way we get bugs and lower 3rds - that is, change the select statement
- format time<#> properly
- when we have a co-channel, I was whipping out the channel grid and list
- I may have been blowing away my lower 3rds and next boards while it was still fading off which may have stopped the fading off
- change the way we get the resource list for the switcher
- add invoke code for gpis
- wasn't setting captions correctly
- some of the ticker support is added
- support for switcher crawls
- support for caption labels
- support for companion channel
- support for showing a switcher board for just the current segment
- use an xceed grid to display ticker stories
- diagnostics->verbose log mode
- changed the font for timecode to be non-proportional

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