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- Need to know how to get to Flow? Need user credentials? Contact your System Administrator for details.
- After a period of eight (8) hours of inactivity, you are signed out your Flow session and any unsaved changes will be lost.
- Need to change your password? See Change My Password.
Navigate Flow
Using Flow, you create topics, filter content, and manage playlists. When you sign in to Flow, you always start at the Home page. Anchor NavigateFlow NavigateFlow
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On this Home page, users with appropriate permissions can access the following functionality:
- Content Control - Create Twitter searches and Facebook searches to filter content based on parameters
- Flow Configuration - Create and manage Twitter topics, Twitter Playlists, and manage Facebook Accounts.
- My Account - User-specific functions, including password change and access to change logs
- Reports - Access to audit logs, error reports, and BLADE URL generation
- User Setup - User and content group management