TweetOut Key Concepts

TweetOut Key Concepts

The following are basic TweetOut concepts you need to understand before using the BL Flow web interface:


Social media-driven content, such as Twitter Tweets or Facebook posts. A single topic can contain an unlimited number of searches. Each search group can have up to 10 defined search parameters.

Topic: Bannister
    Search Group: Account
         Parameter: (@bannisterlake)
    Search Group: Hashtags
         Parameter: (#software)
         Parameter: (#broadcast)
         Parameter: (#sports)

Content lookup query based on search parameters. The web-based search engine allows an almost unlimited number of parameters to be combined to return the specific media that you need.
  • Add all the accounts of your field reporters to create a live news feed from the field.
  • Use a show-related hashtag to incorporate viewer questions and feedback during broadcast.
  • Use moderation workflows to protect against unwanted content.
Search Parameters

Content filters that return desired content, such as:

  • accounts
  • hashtags
  • keywords
  • user preferences
  • user accounts
Content Groups

A way for multiple channel configurations to isolate groups of users and content.

Content Groups can be applied to user assignment and/or content assignment. When users are assigned to all content groups, those users can access all content. When content is assigned to all content groups, that content can be accessed by all users. When users or content are assigned to specific content groups, access is limited accordingly.

For example, if you have two regional channels, you may want two content groups, one for each region. Within that content group you would define BL Flow users and accounts, as well as topics specific to each region. Users and content within one group can be entirely isolated from the other group as needed.

Note: Single channel or single show customers typically would not have need for this feature. 

A quality-control mechanism that ensures that content is appropriate and suitable for broadcast. TweetOut offers two modes of returning media from your searches:
manually moderated content and automatically approved content.
  • Manually moderated mode brings all Tweets into a staging area where an operator quickly approves them for broadcast. Manual moderation creates a safe and enjoyable broadcast experience for you and your viewers.
  • If your Tweets are coming from trusted sources, you can switch to a fire hose mode, which allows all Tweets or posts to be broadcast without manual moderation.

A collection of sequenced content queued up for broadcast.

Tweets and posts can be added to playlists.

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