Media Runner

Media Runner

Media Runner is a utility used to copy media from Chameleon’s media data type to local files. It works in conjunction with BLADE to match the filename BLADE provides.

Media Runner uses Flow’s Media Export function:

Where Flow’s export allows for downloading media immediately, it also allows for downloads that work with Media Runner to be done on an interval timer. This is for media that is dynamic like social media or stories. Contrast that with more static media like team logos or candidate headshots.

Media Runner shows only exports which have an enabled update frequency. But it also allows enabling only the required exports for your purposes as opposed to attempting to download every export.



In the above grid, it shows the countdown (in minutes) to the next export which corresponds with the update frequency in Flow for the export. There is also support for downloading immediately by selecting the desired exports and using the Export Selected Items Now button.

Save Path

The save path is used to determine the target file path of each media file.

As of version it will attempt to create the given directory if it doesn’t already exist.

Relative Paths

A path can contain a number of folder names. Use a slash character to separate them.

Use a forward slash character to enable the use of folders in an AWS S3 bin.
Example: Export/Sports/MLB

Full Drive Paths

The save path can be specified as a full path with a drive name for saving files to the local machine. This is intended for use only with the local file option.

Setup Options

On the Setup tab you can provide information for each of the destination options.


Local Drive

Use the Default Path field to specify which folder media should be copied into when a relative path is used in the media export definition.

AWS S3 Bucket

You need to provide the name of the S3 bucket as well as Access key information to authenticate the access by the app.

When you use the Test Connection button it will attempt to upload test file to the bucket. It will use a random name for the file but will be something like: BL/MediaRunner/Test/rp0liut0.aiv.txt.

The type of slash used in the save path determines how S3 handles the file.

If you use a forward slash - S3 will create folders in the bucket.
If you use a backward slash - S3 will use it as a prefix of the name.




You will need to provide

  • Host name/ip

  • userid

  • password

  • directory

When you press the Test Connection button it will attempt to connect to the server and then set the working directory to the given directory.

Files will be saved in the path created by combining the working directory and the save path for each item.


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