Brando User Interface

Brando User Interface

Chameleon Branding (Brando Legacy) is controlled and content managed using a web-based interface called Chameleon Branding. Chameleon Branding controls resource schedules and resource tag substitution content for the Chameleon Branding Players.

The Chameleon Branding interface provides:

  • Editorial staff with resource and scheduling control of content as well as management tools to define when and how that content is broadcast.
  • Administrators with user management tools, system monitoring, audit log access, configuration of system-wide preferences, and control over Brando Players.

Chameleon Branding Browser Support

For the best web experience in Chameleon Branding, Google Chrome™ v21.0 or higher is recommended.  

 For more browser support

Chameleon Branding also supports the following internet browsers: 

  • Mozilla Firefox® v13 or higher
  • Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 9, 10 or higher
  • Opera™  v12 or higher


Tablet device support is limited; drag-and-drop functionality is not supported. 

Cookies must be enabled in the browser application.

Sign In 

You can access Chameleon Branding like you would any other web page using a specific URL or IP address to reach the main landing page, known as the Sign In page. Every Chameleon Branding user needs user credentials to sign in, including a User Name and Password. See your System Administrator for details on your sign in credentials.  

Enter your User Name and Password and click Sign In Now to continue.


  • Need to know how to get to Chameleon Branding? Need user credentials? Contact your System Administrator for details. 
  • After a period of eight (8) hours of inactivity, you are signed out your Chameleon Branding session and any unsaved changes will be lost. 
  • Need to change your password? See Change My Password.

Navigate Chameleon Branding 

When you sign in to Chameleon Brandingyou always start at the Home or Dashboard page.

 On this page, users with appropriate permissions can access the following functionality:

  • Scheduling
  • Management
  • Reports
  • My Account
  • User Management
  • Channel Status

To return to this main page at any time, click Dashboard near the top left corner of the screen.  

In this section: