Branding Player is used to show branding graphics in the form of bugs and snipes. All bugs and snipes are called assets and are defined in Flow using templates that have been published into the Chameleon database.
After launching Branding Player, you can optionally set preferences. This is where your Chameleon credentials are entered:
Followed by a dialog to choose automation options:
Here you can define all the automation commands and set com and ip ports. After clicking ok, Channels and XPression options can be selected:
The Co-Channels make it possible to select channels which can be used for branding programming on other channels. The XPression options provide a way to define the program and preview channels as well as specifying how layers work. Both the templates and logos directories are defined here too.
On the main tab of the Branding Player, we can view the program schedule. There are also tabs for showing/triggering bugs, snipes and manually triggering assets.
Branding Player supports a single program and optional preview channel. It uses ip connections for sending branding commands and automation commands. It also supports connecting directly to a com port for automation. The 2 ip connections are:
branding port - Acts as an ip server for clients to connect to the Branding Player for sending branding commands. This is the way Flow triggers assets. It’s also how the Branding Master triggers commands. The ip port is defined in Flow on the Branding Players page. Any platform that can send commands over ip can be used to communicate with the branding connection. For example, Ross Video’s Dashboard can easily integrate with the Branding Player using this connection.
automation port - If there’s a requirement to trigger assets using automation, an automation ip connection can be used. Branding Player can be the client or server for an automation connection. While branding commands are fixed, automation commands can be defined in the Branding Player.