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Elector is designed to preserve your election data from election to election and can display previous election data in various graphs.


Note: Legacy election data must be


available in Elector to help provide the context needed for Flow to display the graphs. The Supporting Data page helps to document these requirements.  See your system administrator for details.

Table of Contents

Seat Count Header

The seat counts for the parties of interest display in the header of Flow for Elector so that it is immediately visible. These counts are automatically updated. It can display up to 7 parties.

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Region Summary

There is a Region Summary module that enables the comparison of the overall results of one region with another or all ridings.

Race Overview

The Race Overview module offers you real-time election results graphs.

  1. From the Home page, select 

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    or click Results > Race Overview.

  2. Select the data options you want to review.

Race Results

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A federal or provincial race results graph that displays the number of seats obtained during previous elections (or at dissolution) broken down by party and year.

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Seat Count


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A graph that displays the total number of elected officials based on the number of ridings by party, the number of available seats, and delta values from the last election (+/-).

This seat count represents the total number in which the party is either leading or elected. For example, if a party is elected in three (3) ridings and leading in four (4) more, then the seat number would be seven (7). 

This graph can be filtered to display results from a specific region.



Percent or Popular Vote

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A graph that shows each party's percentage of the total vote, including delta values from the last election (+/-).

Timeline chart shows a vote% over time

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Popular Vote Summary

You can access the Popular Vote Summary module from the home page in the Results section. Also can be referred to the Unpopular Vote report because it focuses on the non-main parties by default.

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Then in the module you can filter the parties you want to see the vote summary for. By default it focuses on the non-main parties since the Race Overview module has an existing Popular Vote chart that shows the main parties.

The top chart shows the change and current vote percent with a bar graph visualization.

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Below this is a table with the same data but it is sortable by clicking on the column headers.

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Include Main Parties and Filter by Region

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Declare the


Winner (Call the Election)

Flow has a feature to allow you to select the winning party and type.


Once selected this will be part of the BLADE output of the Overall Result option.


It will be cleared as part of the Reset Election Results feature.


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This will be displayed in the header of Flow. The first line is the name of the selected party.
The second line is the text selected/entered.

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BLADE Output

You can output these selections via BLADE in XML and JSON formats as shown below:

Overall Result XML sample



	<PartyName>United Conservative</PartyName>


Overall Result - JSON sample


Code Block




"generated": "2019-10-15T17:33:53.6203363Z",




partyName": "United 




















resultText": "




modifiedDate": "








pollsTotal": 7329,


pollsReporting": 7329,


pollPercent": 100.0,


votesCast": 1878410,





Predict the Voter Turnout

This feature in Flow helps you to predict the voter turnout for the election.

It requires that the number of eligible voters for the election to be set and bases it's predictions on the incoming results (no result data - no prediction).


titleClick here to see an example of the screen.
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Riding Results Summary

The Riding Results Summary module offers you a powerful set of real-time data filtering tools.

  1. From the Home page, select Image Removed or click Election Results > Ridings Summary.
  2. Select the data options you want to review.

Key Features

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More Interesting Scenario Ideas


  1. In the Incumbent column, select Image Removed (Image Removed)
  2. In the Elected column, select Image Removed (Image Removed)

Result: All ridings whose incumbents have been declared the winning candidate.


  1. In the Party column, select a party to filter on.
  2. In the Incumbent Party column, select a different party to filter on.

Result: All ridings whose incumbent party has lost to another party.


Select the Quick Filter Option: Party Unchanging.

Result: All ridings where the riding is not changing parties.


Select the Quick Filter Option: Party Changing.

Result: All ridings where the riding is changing parties.


Select the Quick Filter Option: Other > Very Close Races -1% Lead.

- or -

  1. In the Lead % column, enter a value of 1.
  2. Click on the Filter icon Image Removedand select LessThan.

Result: All ridings with tight races whose leading candidate has less than a 1% lead.


  1. In the Lead % column, enter a value of 20.
  2. Click on the Filter icon Image Removedand select GreaterThan.

Result: All ridings with landslide races whose leading candidate has more than a 20% lead.


Ridings with a candidate expected to win in a landslide

(Candidate Interest Option)





In this section:

Table of Contents
