Riding Information | Details |
Riding ID | Every riding is assigned a unique and official identifier for federal and provincial elections - usually starting at 1 and incrementing. |
Riding Region | A geographical grouping of ridings you define to review cross-sectional election data based on what is relevant to your viewers. For example, in an Ontario election, you may want a region called Metro Toronto or a Central Ontario region that runs through Lake Simcoe and the Muskokas. Select an existing region from the list. Or, enter a new region by typing the name of the region in the field. You can select multiple regions to assign to a single riding. Examples:
Riding Name (English) Riding Name (French) | Some ridings, especially those with large numbers of both francophone and anglophone voters, may be named or punctuated differently in English and French. For example, the Manitoba riding of Saint Boniface is referred to in French as "Saint-Boniface", with a hyphen. |
Broadcast Name | Optional. |
Line1 | Optional. |
Polls in Riding | The number of polls in the riding. Automatic data feeds can report the number of polls counted and reporting once the polls close, and these metrics can be part of your broadcast output. When creating a new riding, this value is not required. |
Polls Close | This is the time of day that the polls will close |
Incumbent Party | The current party that is assigned to the riding as of dissolution. |
Elected Party | The party who won this riding in the selected election date. Used to generate an overall party results summary with overall seat change and overall vote percent change for a specific region. Displayed as a graph in Flow or output as blade data. |
Riding Notes | Descriptive text known as an insight about the riding, such as geographical characteristics and riding borders, population demographics, industry details, and other noteworthy information. You can apply some basic text formatting options to the insight text as needed. For example, the Niagara Falls riding notes could include: "A mix of urban and rural, this long, narrow riding is home to a grape-growing and wine-making industry that makes up a large part of the area's manufacturing sector. The riding includes Niagara Falls, Niagara-on-the-Lake and, in the west, part of city of Thorold. The borders for this riding run from Lake Ontario in north to the city limits of Niagara Falls in the south. To the west, it begins at the Welland Canal and it stretches to the Niagara River in the east. Tourism is key here, thanks to Niagara Falls and the Shaw Festival." |
Is New | Check the checkbox if this is a new riding that didn't exist in the previous election. |
Electors | Specify the number of eligible voters in this riding. |
Candidates of Interest | Used by automated graphics systems to know how many candidates to display from this riding when presenting a riding result summary. |
Mail-in Ballots | Specifies the number of Mail-in ballots received in this riding. Also is displayed in the Results Summary riding popup to help with results analysis. |
Expected Turnout | The estimated number of voters who will vote in this riding in this election. These values can then be used in charts instead of the poll percent .(when enabled in System Preferences: |
Manage Existing Ridings
You can view and manage ridings in Elector at any time.