Xignite Finance Player User Guide

Xignite Finance Player User Guide

The Xignite Finance Player is a custom XPression application developed for Cheddar.com to generate and display animated stock and index charts live in broadcasts. The charts are generated by using line objects within the XPression project to enable animation putting control of much of its appearance in the hands of the scene designer.

It is split into 3 components: a client app and a sever app and a data cache app. The server app runs on the XPression machine while the client and cache app can be installed elsewhere on the network. The client and data cache apps are responsible for all communication with the Xignite web service.

Client Application

The client application can be installed on any machine that will be able to access the XPression machine via a network address.

The client app needs an internet connection for communication with the Xignite web service.


  1. Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 or greater (as of build 8.23.x) which can be downloaded from a Microsoft website to suit your version of windows.

    1. this should be the FULL version and not the Client Profile version

Initial Configuration

The first time you install the application you may need to customize a few settings. The application will remember the settings you used last.

Xignite API Key

To access the data the application requires the use of an API key or token that will be provided to you by Xignite when you subscribe to a trial or paid service. The key is set via the API tab in the Preferences window accessed from the File menu.

XPression Server Connection

The client's remote config settings must match what is set on the server application to allow a successful connection. The server may provide support for using either one of the TCP or HTTP protocols and the client app lets you select which one to connect with.

Note however that the client can be run without connecting to the XPression server.

Cache Connection

The client's cache service config settings must match the setting used by the cache service. The default values will work automatically (assuming the defaults are used by both apps). The cache service uses a TCP protocol. 

You will need to enable the connection to the cache on the first use of the client (version 7.0.x or greater) that supports it. (After the cache service is installed of course).

In version 7.10 or greater use the Cache menu option - Cache Config...

Then click the Use Cache to enable it and press the Save button. 

The client should then be able to connect and will display it's connected status in the status bar at the bottom of the client app window as “Cache: ✅” or “Cache: connected.”

You can also enable its performance and debug logs here.

Off-Hour Cache Stock List

To include stocks in the cache to have access to their off-hours data you need to add them to the list of selected stocks. Use the Cache menu - Cache Stocks... option.

This will open the popup list of selected stocks to which you can the add/remove similar to the stock list for the ticker. Version 7.10 of the client and cache apps added support for summary cache data so you can see how much data is available for the stocks in the list.


You can customize many of the functions of the application with settings in the Preferences window. It is accessed via the File menu.

The Auto Refresh tab has a number of options for controlling when data is automatically refreshed.

Auto Refresh Preference Options above
Ticker Preference Options above
Bug Preference Options above

No XPression Mode

You can run the client application without connecting to an XPression server. In this case you press the Don't Connect button in the configuration panel. When you select this the application can still be used to edit playlists but you won’t be able to preview or display any of the data since these functions rely on the XPression server app.

Add a Chart to a Playlist

  1. Search for the first stock symbol by typing it in the top search box

  2. Select the stock you wish to use in the list box

  3. If you want to compare to another stock on a single scene

    1. search for the next stock in the next search box

    2. select the second stock in the list box

  4. Select a Range

  5. Click the Add Chart button

    1. This will cause the current stock data to be downloaded and ready for display in the scene

    2. It will add a new entry at the bottom of the current playlist

Preview a Scene

To display a scene in the preview mode - simply press the button labelled PVW in the playlist next to the item you want to see. This will toggle the display of the scene on and off. Press it a second time to stop showing the scene.

Show a Scene

To display on your live output - simply press the green toggle button beside the PVW button in the playlist of the item you want to display.

Scene Variations

The default chart scene shows a full size chart with summary data.

You can trigger different scene layout variations by changing the selections for the Full, Chart and Video options.

5-Stock Scene

You can display a scene with a table of current values for up to 5 stocks using the 5-Stock button in the playlist header.

When you press this button you will be presented with a popup window that will enable you to enter up to 5 stocks to display in a scene. Add stocks by typing the symbol in the text box beside the Add Symbol button and either press the Enter key or press the Add Symbol button.

The entries will automatically display in sorted order with the greatest change value at the top.

This scene will display on-air something like this (depending on the data available at the time)


When a 5 stock scene is previewed a second copy of the scene is prepared/queued so that it can be shown immediately when you are ready to take it live.

Indices and Futures Bug

The client app has a feature that displays the current values of selected indices. When the markets are closed the bug can automatically display the related futures instead.

In this sample the S&P is down just over $10.
In this sample the DOW is trading up by almost $73.

Select Indices for Use in the Bug

To manage the list of available indices in the app - using the File menu - Available Indices… option

This will open a popup window that will allow you to add and remove indices. Note though that when you search you will need to be quite specific because the list of available indices from Xignite can be very long.

Only indices which have a checkmark in the Bug column will be included in the display of the Bug scene.

Modify Index Display Name

You can change the display name of the index to a name that is appropriate for you audience in the Index List window. Simply click on the display name column of the index you want to change, type your changes and then press the Save button when you are done.

Associate a Future with an Index

You can associate a Future with an Index to use it for off-hours data in the chart scenes. Simply select an available future from the dropdown list in the Off-Hours Future column. If the desired future isn’t available yet it will need to be first added in the Future List.

Select Futures for Use in the Bug

To manage the list of available futures in the app - using the File menu - Available Futures… option

This will open a popup window that will allow you to add and remove futures. Note though that when you search you will need to be quite specific because the list of available futures from Xignite can be very long.

Only futures which have a checkmark in the Bug column will be included in the display of the Bug scene.

Modify a Future Display Name

You can change the display name of the future to a name that is appropriate for you audience in the Futures List window. Simply click on the display name column of the index you want to change, type your changes and then press the Save button when you are done.

Stock Name Customization

You can control what name is displayed for each stock you use in a stock scene. When you first use a stock the app automatically trims the official name to attempt to provide a good display name. However you can manually edit each display name as well.

To access the list of Stock names use the File menu - Stock Names… option

This will open a popup window that will allow you to edit the display name of any stock you’ve used recently. You can also add new stocks that you intend to use so that it will be ready for you when you do.

No changes are saved until you press the Save button.

Stock Ticker

The application supports a stock ticker. The client UI displays near the top with options for editing, starting and stopping and provides a preview of the stocks as they are shown.


There is an online/offline toggle button that displays in red/green to the left of the stock preview section. It is red when it is online and green when it is enabled but offline. It will be grey if it is not enabled to be used.

Playout Order

The stocks play in alphabetical order.

List Editing

You can edit the list of stocks that will be displayed in the client application. Simply click the Ticker Edit button to open the editing window.

Note that the editing window displays the last retrieved value of the price and change as well as the stock symbol. These values are loaded when the list is first loaded at application launch and then will be updated as the stock ticker is running.

You can Add stocks by typing the symbol name in the box in the header and pressing the Enter key or clicking the Add button.

Remove stocks by selecting the stock and pressing the Delete key.

Server Application

The server application must be installed on an XPression machine.

The server application does not communicate with the Xignite web service and so does not need an internet connection for typical operation. Instead it relies on the client app to provide it with all the data it needs to display.


  1. Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 or greater (as of build 8.23.5518) which can be downloaded from a Microsoft website to suit your version of windows.

    1. this should be the FULL version and not the Client Profile version

  2. Ross XPression

    1. version appropriate to the build of the application represented by the last number in the version number (Example version 8.19.5250 is built for XPression build 5250)

Initial Configuration

The first time you install the application you may need to customize a few settings. The application will remember the settings you used last.

You can use the default ports given or change them if appropriate for your network environment. The server provides support for using either TCP or HTTP protocols. The client allows you to select which protocol it will use at launch. TCP is the recommended protocol to use.

After you have made any necessary changes to the configuration press the Start Service button. This will lock your selections. To change them you will have to close and restart the applications.

Server Name or IP Address

This is the address of the server running the XPression Engine on which this server app is also installed. It will by default at first run fill in the suggested IP address of the server. If you are running both the server and client portions of the application on the same machine you could enter "localhost" as the server name instead of an IP Address.

You can also regenerate the suggested IP address by using the option in the Help menu.

This option is only available before you press the Start Service button and it will be greyed out while the service is started.

The suggested IP address will be displayed and then you will be asked if you want to apply the IP address to the current settings.

TCP Port

This is the port number to use when connecting via the TCP protocol which is the recommended protocol to use. You will need to ensure that this port is enabled/open on the server to allow the client machine to connect.


This is the port number to use when connecting via the HTTP protocol. Use the HTTP protocol in situations where TCP is not a viable option You will need to ensure that this port is enabled/open on the server to allow the client machine to connect. The HTTP protocol is not expected to perform as quickly as the TCP protocol.

Use Secure Connections

This option has been added to enable the use of the applications in network situations that otherwise would prevent the client and server from being able to connect. If you are having trouble connecting with the secure connections enabled - try disabling it on both the server and the client and see if the connection is then successful.

XPression File Selection

You will need to identify the XPression project file to be used by the application. You can use 1 of 2 options:

  1. Click the Change Project button


  1. Click File menu...

  2. Open XPression Project...

Select the file by browsing for it. Your selection will be remembered when you press the Save button and then used in the future automatically.

Note that the XPression project files should all be stored on the local machine and ideally on a secondary hard drive such as the d: drive instead of the c: drive.

Preview Frame Buffer

The preview frame buffer option allows you to specify which XPression frame buffer should be used to display graphic previews. Enter the correct number in the number box and then press the Apply button.

Application Logs

See Xignite Finance Player Logs for details.

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