Xignite Finance Player Logs

Xignite Finance Player Logs

The finance player has 3 components all of which produce log files that document what they are doing and help in debugging when necessary.

Look for log files:

  • C:\ProgramData\Bannister Lake\Xignite Finance Player Client\logs

  • C:\ProgramData\Bannister Lake\Xignite Finance Player Server\logs

  • C:\ProgramData\Bannister Lake\Xignite Cache\logs

Details are available for each of the 3 related apps:

Client Application Logs

You can access the application logs that provide information on the work the app is doing as well as providing additional debugging information when errors occur.

File Access

You can access the log files in the ProgramData directory which is typically:
C:\ProgramData\Bannister Lake\Xignite Finance Player Client\logs

Help Menu Access

You can read the log via the Help menu. Select the Read Log... option to open the current log file.

Debug Log Option

The application can be enabled to write extra log entries to help with debugging issues. To turn on the extra debug logging click on the Enable Debug Logs menu item in the Help menu to display the ✅check mark and make it active.

Performance Log Option

The application can be enabled to write extra log entries to help with performance issues. To turn on the extra performance logging click on the Enable Performance Logs menu item in the Help menu to display the ✅ check mark and make it active.

Cache Application Logs

You can access the application logs that provide information on the work the app is doing as well as providing additional debugging information when errors occur.

File Access

You can access the log files in the ProgramData directory which is typically:
C:\ProgramData\Bannister Lake\Xignite Cache\logs

Server Application Logs

You can access the application logs that provide information on the work the app is doing as well as providing additional debugging information when errors occur. 

File Access

You can also access the log files in the ProgramData directory which is typically:  
C:\ProgramData\Bannister Lake\Xignite Finance Player Server\logs

Help Menu Access

You can read the log via the Help menu. Select the Read Log... option to open the current log file.

Debug Log Option

The application can be enabled to write extra log entries to help with debugging issues. To turn on the extra debug logging click on the Enable Debug Logs menu item in the Help menu to display the ✅ check mark and make it active.

Performance Log Option

The application can be enabled to write extra log entries to help with performance issues. To turn on the extra performance logging click on the Enable Performance Logs menu item in the Help menu to display the ✅ check mark and make it active.

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