Updating Your BL On-Air System

Updating Your BL On-Air System

Running an Update On an On-Air System

Updating your Bannister Lake system can often be done without affecting your on air output when moving up minor versions. If an Xpression update is planned for your player systems, you will want to proceed with the update during non-peak viewing.


STEP 1 - Data Backup

Start with a backup of your Flow data system. This will allow a rollback in the event it is needed.

Use the steps outlined in this tech note - Running A Backup Before Updating Your Flow Data Server


STEP 2 - Updating Your Flow Data Server

Unless otherwise notified, the Flow data server can now be updated in advance of the players. The database will be locked for several seconds during the update procedure but the on air players are able to buffer this small window against the lack of data connectivity and will reconnect when the database comes back online.

If any editorial users are using Flow during the update, their session will be terminated and they may lose the content they were currently working on. It is advised to warn your Flow users of an update window to prevent content loss.

Further Notes

STEP 3 - Updating Your Players

You will now be able to update your player systems. If an Xpression update is needed, proceed with this initially after taking the player offline, then proceed with the player update.

Confirm your player-channel assignments after the update as they may not have persisted!




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