For Chameleon Elector Tags see: Elections Player Tags

Chameleon TagsDescription

Chameleon Ticker - (add [0] for additional choices. ex: ^choice[1].name for 2nd choice's name)


The first name of the Candidate (ex: John) # = candidate leading in that race
^choice.lastnameThe last name of the Candidate (ex: Smith)
^choice.nameThe full name of the Candidate (ex: John Smith)
^choice.mediaAn image representing the Candidate
^choice.detailsDetails about the candidate. Limited to 255 characters
^choice.winnerA Visible tag object. Visible if the candidate is elected.
^choice.incumbentA Visible tag object. Visible if the candidate is the incumbent for the office

The percentage of votes for this candidate as a decimal value. Example: 0.58 

add a format attribute to apply custom formatting

For XPression See: XPression Text Formatting

For Web See: Chameleon Designer Text Formatting

^choice.percentagetextThe percentage of votes for this candidate formatted as a string with % character:  Example: 58% 
^choice.votesThe number of votes received for this candidate

A Visible tag object. Visible if the candidate is acclaimed.

supported in Player 3.0.189 or later


Chameleon Ticker - (add [0] for additional choices. ex: ^choice[1].name for 2nd choice's name)

^ full name of the party (ex: Democratic Party)
^ Party Logo graphic
^ short name of the party (ex: Democrats)
^ details
^ color
^ office the candidates are running for.
^ abbreviation for the office.
^ details about the office.
^ text description of the type of office.


The percentage of polls reported as a decimal value. Example: 0.28  (use a format to customize the tag)
^choice.polls.percentagetextThe percentage of polls reported formatted as a string with % character:  Example: 28% 
^choice.polls.reportedThe number of polls who have reported results
^choice.polls.totalThe total number of polls available for this region.
^choice.event.dateThe time and date the polls close for this election (required)
^choice.event.nameThe name of this election event.
^choice.event.shortnameThe name of this election event.
^choice.event.detailsDetails about the event
^choice.area.nameThe name of the contest area (Country, State, Province, Municipality, etc)
^choice.area.codeThe abbreviation for the contest area (Country, State, Province, Municipality, etc)
^choice.area.detailsMiscellaneous details about the contest area (Country, State, Province, Municipality, etc)