media mgmt
so, traditionally image storage libraries have been seperate from yoru news system
now they're integrated!!! Wow! Marriage of convenience and money savings!
Reduction in hardware and support
[11:08:41 AM] Chris Mintz: better integration
we're such a visual society now. The media manager gives you the ability to put a little image thumb beside each story. I've yet to see any other system that can do that
"asset reuse" is another term that media management solutions use where a graphic is an "Asset"
typically because you've paid to have rights to show it on air or it's been created by your graphics department
so store it centrally and reuse; "create once, add to ST once, use lots"
In this section:
Heading Here
Body text here.
When you add content, like stories, can add images from a centralized media centre and every image that gets added via content is added to the media mgmt. area
Define resource tag of pictures with community events, the image will show up