Election StatusElector's Election Status module provides you with a wealth of information on election day. Candidate InsightCandidate insight is information about the candidate that makes them interesting with regards to the election. Candidate insights might include career experience, volunteer efforts, or other noteworthy information, and Flow can store both an on-air version and an off-air version. The on-air insights are limited in length for broadcast. All insights entered and stored in Flow can be spell checked and formatted with font, colour, size, and other visual attributes. Riding InsightRiding insight is information about the riding that makes it interesting with regards to the election in some way. Insights might include geographical characteristics and riding borders, population demographics, industry details, or other noteworthy information. Insight text entered and stored in Flow can be formatted with font, colour, size, and other visual attributes. Seat Counttotal number of seats available based on ridings, plus or minus from last election |