Flow includes a visual media repository designed to provide you with easy, quick asset retrieval and reuse. While traditional image storage libraries exist independent of your news and broadcast systems, the Media Management module offers you a fully integrated media storage library that collects and stores all of your media in a central repository for reuse. Integrated media storage means less hardware, less support, and more reuse convenience. As you add media for content, such as graphics, Flow stores them in the Media Manager, and you can reuse them over and over. For example, when you want to display a small thumbnail image beside each story topic in a zone, as you specify graphics manually for story content, those graphics are automatically added to the Media Management module. Once the graphics have been added, you can reuse them any time in future content. As you define resource tags for story graphic assets, you can pull them directly from the integrated gallery. You can access the Media Management module in Flow. From the Home page, select Flow Configuration > Media Management. Expand |
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