Branding Player supports multiple channels and uses ip connections to communicate with the web server for rendering and for sending program/preview channel and automation commands. The 3 ip connections are:
branding port - Acts as an ip server for clients to connect to the Branding Player for sending branding commands. This is the way Flow triggers assets. It’s also how the Branding Master triggers commands. The ip port is defined in Flow on the Branding Players page. Any platform that can send commands over ip can be used to communicate with the branding connection. For example, Ross Video’s Dashboard can easily integrate with the Branding Player using this connection.
automation port - If there’s a requirement to trigger assets using automation, an automation ip connection can be used. Branding Player can be the client or server for an automation connection. While branding commands are fixed, automation commands can be defined in the Branding Player.
program/preview channel ports - In order to render assets, an ip connection is made between the Branding Player and the Web Server. The Branding Player specifies the graphics project, scene and key/value pairs so the Web Server can render assets. While #1 and #2 are optional, the web server connection is required in order to render the assets. We support a program and optional preview channel for each channel.
Assets can also be triggered using a schedule defined in Flow. It uses timecode to trigger the assets.
In order to support automation systems, the Branding Player allows commands to be sent to the Branding Player’s channels using an ip connection. Each channel is defined individually and can act as either the socket client or server. The connection is defined from menu item File->Channel Preferences…
Define Automation Commands
Automation commands can be configured/defined by the user. This allows for easier integration with automation systems. The automation commands are defined in the player from the File->Define Automation Commands… menu item:
By default, the commands are the same as the branding commands but can be defined as required for automation systems including support for reconkeys.
As of Branding Version, a user can include the macro %channel% to point the assets directly to a channel.
If the Assets On is defined like: <%channel%:#>
and the automation command is received as as <Demo East Web:BUG>
Then the Asset “Bug” will play on channel “Demo East Web”
Web Server Port
The Branding Player doesn’t actually render graphics. It just listens for and obeys commands based on the branding port, automation port or flow scheduled assets using timecode. Instead it sends commands to the Chameleon Web Server using an ip port. This port is what we call the Chameleon api and it matches
The Web Server Port is defined from menu item File->Channel Preferences… Both a program and optional preview ip/port can be defined.
To assign a channel to a chameleon player, you must enter the IP address and port in the Program IP and Program Port:
As of Branding Version 3.1.0.
36, you can use “Use Flow Channel IP” to determine which player is assigned to which channel. This will use the Flow’s database to determine those IP addresses. Note that more than 1 player can support the same channel.
Scheduling Assets in Flow