Note that the grid will show the rehearsal steps for step 0 which will reset all the votes and polls to 0 when a simulation is started. You can change which step the simulation run starts on by changing the value in the Select Step control or pressing on the Next Step button
to advance the steps shown in the grid.
Also note that on Step 0, you are not allowed to edit the votes and polls values for the contests.
Start the simulation by clicking on the Start Simulation button . The will change the button label to be Stop Simulation
and also enable the Auto Next Step button
To stop the timer, press the Auto Next Step button again. You can always advance the step by pressing on the Next Step button at any time during the simulation run. If the Auto Next Step timer is running, this will reset the timer after the Next Step button is pressed.
Here is an example of the Results page showing an active simulation run on rehearsal step 2:
Editing a Contest’s Results
You can edit a contest’s results on any non-zero step by clicking on the Edit icon on the left side of the grid row for the contest. The Edit dialog will look the same as the one available in the Generate Steps module.
Modify any of the votes or the polls value as needed and then press the Update Now button to save the changes.
If the rehearsal simulation is started, the new values will be written to the database when the changes are saved.