Enable and Disable API Keys

Enable and Disable API Keys

By default this feature is inactive and needs to be configured to be enabled. There are 2 pieces that need to be enabled:

  1. API Key Management module (to create keys)

  2. API Key Validation module itself (that does the work or validating use of the keys or lack thereof with each BLADE request)

You may want to create some API Keys to use before you enable the system to require them.

To disable the keys - you simply do the opposite of what you did to enable them.

API Key Management Module

The API Key Management module is not visible on the dashboard until it is enabled in the System Configuration module - on the Features tab.

  1. Login as a System Administrator

  2. In the System Tools module - open the Configuration page.

  3. Select the Features tab

  4. Add the check mark to the API Keys module box

  5. Save the change (button at the bottom of the list)

API Key Validation Module

Keys can be created before activating the API Key validation. Enable the management module as per above. For more info on API Key management see theAPI Keys page.

To activate the API Key validation module you need to:

Step 1 - modify appsettings.config

  1. Find the appsettings.config file in the folder like: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\tickit\Configurations

  2. Add or change the BladeRequiresApiKey value to true. (to disable use the value false)

<appSettings> <add key="BladeRequiresApiKey" value="true" /> </appSettings>

Step 2 - Restart Website

Stop and restart the website in IIS.



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