Program Schedule

Program Schedule

Programs can be added to a channel's schedule as part of the branding group of modules. Programs can be scheduled as one time instances or recurring.

Program episodes are indirectly accessed through the main Programs icon on the dashboard. From the Home page, select Branding > Programs . 
Then select the Program Schedule tab at the top of the page. 

To view the currently scheduled programs and to start adding to the schedule select a channel from the dropdown list.

Once you select a channel the current schedule will load and display.

Add a Program to the Schedule

Form FieldsComments

Start by selecting a program. 

Once selected the episode list below it will also load and you can optionally select an episode to be assigned to the scheduled time as well. 

The programs assigned rating will be used as the default rating for the scheduled instance. You can select a different rating for this instance if appropriate.

You can then also set the Live checkbox if this program will be Live.

Select the date you want for the program to start.
Select the time you want the program to start.

Specify the length of the program in minutes.

The program's assigned duration will automatically be entered here as the default when the program is selected. It can be modified to suit the instance.


You can enable the recurrence editor to define when a scheduled program repeats in the hours, days, weeks, months or years ahead.

Press the Add Program Schedule button to save the program to the schedule.

Remove a Program Schedule Item

You can remove program schedule items that have been added to the schedule. 

Option 1

Hover over the schedule item and a delete icon will appear in the top-right corner.

Click the icon to delete. A confirmation prompt will appear.

Option 2

Right-click on a schedule item to open the context menu.

Click on the Delete item. A confirmation prompt will appear.