Legacy - Financials Tags

For additional records, tags should be labeled as such: ^financial[1].road, ^financial[2].road.

[0] = 1st record [1] = 2nd record [2] = 3rd record etc...

Super Ticker TagDescription
^NameThe name of the stock
^PriceThe current price of the stock
^ChangeThe price change of the stock
^SymbolThe text symbol of the stock (Required)
^MarketThe name of the market
^UpdatedTime of the last price update
^VolumeThe volume of stocks for the current period.
^IndicatorA quad used to graphically display the price change.

materials used with quad ^indicator (required):

(for Super Ticker only)

MATERIAL NAMES for Super Ticker




^subtopicPlaylist name (or group name Chameleon Only)
^Tag[***]Dynamic Fields