Football Object Mappings

All Bannister Lake Score Bugs come with a default graphic template for you to use. There are 2 scenes included with the standard or basic score bugs: the score bar and the score summary. The score bar is used during game play while the score summary is typically used for going in and out of commercial breaks or game breaks.

XPression users, can modify or build their own graphic templates by following the naming convention below. Simply ensure while designing your graphics and animations that they are named exactly as below and the BL Score Bug application will fill in the correct information into the template. Note that you don't need to use all these objects. BL Score Bugs will simply ignore items/objects not found in the scene.


Score Summary - Objects   
Object DescriptionNameNotes
Visiting Team Name^TEAM 1Full name of Visiting Team (includes City or School)
Visiting Team Code^CODE TEAM 1Visiting Team Code
Visiting Team City or School^CITY TEAM 1Visiting Team City or name of School
Visiting Team Name^NAME TEAM 1Name of Visiting Team
Visiting Team Nickname^NICKNAME TEAM 1Visiting Team Nickname
Visiting Team Logo^LOGO TEAM 1Visiting Team Logo. See Notes for ^LOGO TEAM 1 in the Score Bar scene section.
Visiting Team Score^SCORE TEAM 1Current Visiting Team Score
Home Team Name^TEAM 2Full name of Home Team (includes City or School)
Home Team Code^CODE TEAM 2Home Team Code
Home Team City or School^CITY TEAM 2Home Team City or name of School
Home Team Name^NAME TEAM 2Name of Home Team
Home Team Nickname^NICKNAME TEAM 2Home Team Nickname
Home Team Logo^LOGO TEAM 2Home Team Logo. See Notes for ^LOGO TEAM 1 in the Score Bar scene section.
Home Team Score^SCORE TEAM 2Current Home Team Score
Sponsor Logo^LOGO SPONSORSponsor logo. See Notes for ^LOGO SPONSOR in the Score Bar scene section.
Sponsor graphics shown/hidden^SHOW SPONSORObject is shown or hidden depending on whether ^LOGO SPONSOR is assign a logo or not. See Notes for ^SHOW SPONSOR in the Score Bar scene section.
League Logo^LOGO LEAGUESets the League Logo. See Notes for ^LOGO LEAGUE in the Score Bar scene section.
Quarter^QTRQuarter as an ordinal number or overtime period. E.g., 1st, 2nd, OT, OT2
Quarter Description^QTR DESCRIPTIONSubstitutes the string segment '<Current>' with the same text that is set for the ^QTR object tag. Ie. 'START OF <Current>' is shown as 'START OF 1st' if the current period is the 1st quarter.
Quarter (Full)^QUARTERQuarter or overtime period E.g., 1st QUARTER, OVERTIME, 2nd OVERTIME
Quarter Description (Full)^QUARTER DESCRIPTIONSubstitutes the string segment '<Current>' with the same text that is set for the ^QUARTER object tag. Ie. 'START OF <Current>' is shown as 'START OF 1st QUARTER' if the current period is the 1st quarter.
Game Clock^CLOCKShows the game clock
Game Clock Shown/Hidden^SHOW CLOCKObject is shown or hidden depending on whether the option to Show Clock in the Client UI is checked or not.
Title text^TITLESets the title text.
Title text Shown/Hidden^SHOW TITLEObject is shown or hidden depending on whether ^TITLE is assign some text or not. See Notes for ^SHOW TITLE in the Score Bar scene section.
Score Summary - Animation Controllers
Object DescriptionNameNotes
Animate Score bar On^ONUsed to animate the Score bar graphics on
Animate Score bar Off^OFFUsed to animate the Score bar graphics off. If this controller is missing, the '^ON' controller is ran in reverse to animate the Score bar off.

Used to animate the Sponsor logo on and off (ran in reverse).



Score Bar - Objects
Object DescriptionNameNotes
Visiting Team Name^TEAM 1Full name of Visiting Team (includes City or School)
Visiting Team Code^CODE TEAM 1Visiting Team Code
Visiting Team City or School^CITY TEAM 1Visiting Team City or name of School
Visiting Team Name^NAME TEAM 1Name of Visiting Team
Visiting Team Nickname^NICKNAME TEAM 1Visiting Team Nickname
Visiting Team Logo^LOGO TEAM 1Visiting Team Logo. Looks at the name of the assigned material and finds matching logo filename found in the C:\Bannister Lake\Football\Leagues\<League>\Logos\<Teamcode> folder. The XPF must contain materials named 'H_[Color]_Image' and 'V_[Color]_Image'. Ie. V_AQUA_Image, H_AQUA_Image
Visiting Team Score^SCORE TEAM 1Current Visiting Team Score
Home Team Name^TEAM 2Full name of Home Team (includes City or School)
Home Team Code^CODE TEAM 2Home Team Code
Home Team City or School^CITY TEAM 2Home Team City or name of School
Home Team Name^NAME TEAM 2Name of Home Team
Home Team Nickname^NICKNAME TEAM 2Home Team Nickname
Home Team Logo^LOGO TEAM 2Home Team Logo. See Notes for ^LOGO TEAM 1.
Home Team Score^SCORE TEAM 2Current Home Team Score
Sponsor Logo^LOGO SPONSORLooks at name of material and finds matching logo filename in the C:\Bannister Lake\Football\Leagues\<League>\Sponsors\<Sponsor> folder. Ie. for the NFL league and ACME as a sponsor, the folder will be D:\Bannister Lake\Football\Leagues\NFL\Sponsors\ACME\
Sponsor graphics shown/hidden^SHOW SPONSORThis Object (usually an Object Group that contains the ^LOGO SPONSOR object) is set visible or hidden based on whether the ^LOGO SPONSOR object has an assigned logo or not. This is useful for also hiding any carrier graphics used for framing the sponsor logo.
League Logo^LOGO LEAGUELooks at name of material and finds matching logo filename in the C:\Bannister Lake\Football\Leagues\<League>\Logos\<League> folder. Ie. for NFL, this folder is D:\Bannister Lake\Football\Leagues\NFL\Logos\NFL\
Visiting Team pull down^MSG PULLDOWN TEAM 1Used for showing the Visiting Team's game event texts, i.e., TOUCHDOWN, FLAG, Field Goal & Challenge
Home Team pull down^MSG PULLDOWN TEAM 2Used for showing the Home Team's game event texts, i.e., TOUCHDOWN, FLAG, Field Goal & Challenge
Current field position^DOWNS AND DISTANCEUsed to show downs and distance
Ball On yard^BALL ON YDUsed to show yardage position that ball is current on
Quarter^QTRQuarter as an ordinal number or overtime period. E.g., 1st, 2nd, OT, OT2
Quarter Description^QTR DESCRIPTIONSubstitutes the string segment '<Current>' with the same text that is set for the ^QTR object tag. Ie. 'START OF <Current>' is shown as 'START OF 1st' if the current period is the 1st quarter.
Quarter (Full)^QUARTERQuarter or overtime period E.g., 1st QUARTER, OVERTIME, 2nd OVERTIME
Quarter Description (Full)^QUARTER DESCRIPTIONSubstitutes the string segment '<Current>' with the same text that is set for the ^QUARTER object tag. Ie. 'START OF <Current>' is shown as 'START OF 1st QUARTER' if the current period is the 1st quarter.
Game Clock^CLOCKShows the game clock
Title text^TITLESets the title text
Title text Shown/Hidden^SHOW TITLEThis Object (usually an Object Group that contains the ^TITLE object) is set visible or hidden based on whether the ^TITLE object has any text or not. This is useful for also hiding any carrier graphics that is framing the Title when there is no assigned text.
Visiting time out chip 1^TIMEOUT 1 TEAM 1Based on the number of timeouts left, the chip will be made visible or hidden
Visiting time out chip 2^TIMEOUT 2 TEAM 1 
Visiting time out chip 3^TIMEOUT 3 TEAM 1 
Visiting time out chip 4^TIMEOUT 4 TEAM 1 
Visiting time out chip 5^TIMEOUT 5 TEAM 1 
Home time out chip 1^TIMEOUT 1 TEAM 2Based on the number of timeouts left, the chip will be made visible or hidden
Home time out chip 2^TIMEOUT 2 TEAM 2 
Home time out chip 3^TIMEOUT 3 TEAM 2 
Home time out chip 4^TIMEOUT 4 TEAM 2 
Home time out chip 5^TIMEOUT 5 TEAM 2 
Visiting possession^POS TEAM 1Based on which team has possession of the ball, the chip will be made visible or hidden
Home possession^POS TEAM 2 
Score Bar - Animation Controllers
Object DescriptionNameNotes
Animate Score bar On^ONUsed to animate the Score bar graphics on
Animate Score bar Off^OFFUsed to animate the Score bar graphics off. If this controller is missing, the '^ON' controller is ran in reverse to animate the Score bar off.
Visiting pull down controller^PULLDOWN TEAM 1Used to animate the Team event graphics (like 'Flag', 'TOUCHDOWN') on and off (ran in reverse).
Home pull down controller^PULLDOWN TEAM 2 
Ball on yard controller^BALL ONUsed to animate the Ball On information on and off (ran in reverse).
Downs and Distance^DOWNS AND DISTANCEUsed to animate the Downs & Distance information on and off (ran in reverse).
Sponsor^SPONSORUsed to animate the Sponsor logo on and off (ran in reverse).
Visiting Team Timeouts^TIMEOUT TEAM 1Used to animate any extra Team Timeout notification graphics on and off (ran in reverse).
Home Team Timeouts^TIMEOUT TEAM 2 
Touchdown (for both teams)^TOUCHDOWNUsed to animate on and off any Touchdown notification graphics when a touchdown occurs for either team.
Visiting Team Touchdowns^TOUCHDOWN TEAM 1Used to animate any extra Team Touchdown notification graphics on and off (ran in reverse).
Home Team Touchdowns^TOUCHDOWN TEAM 2 
Flags (for both teams)^FLAGUsed to animate on and off any Flag notification graphics when a penalty occurs for either team.
Visiting Team Flags^FLAG TEAM 1Used to animate any extra Team Flag notification graphics on and off (ran in reverse).
Home Team Flags^FLAG TEAM 2 
Visiting Team Challenge^CHALLENGE TEAM 1Used to animate any extra Team Challenge notification graphics on and off (ran in reverse).
Home Team Challenge^CHALLENGE TEAM 2 
Visiting Team Field Goals^FIELDGOAL TEAM 1Used to animate any extra Team Field Goal notification graphics on and off (ran in reverse).
Home Team Field Goals^FIELDGOAL TEAM 2Â